Making some food
Restaurants and Their Perks
While there are only a few restaurants in the city, they offer some excellent perks. Here's a rundown of what each restaurant provides:
Burgershot is the main source of high-quality food and water. While the new player-owned general stores may offer some low-end food, water, and alcohol, they don't compare to Burgershot's offerings. Some food options here even give boosts to legal jobs such as farming and more.
White Widow
White Widow provides the only source of joints in the city. Joints not only offer a source of armor but also need to be created from the illegal weed farming system.
Horny’s offers a limited selection of food, but what makes it unique are the perks like speed, stamina, and recoil reduction items.
Yellow Jack
Yellow Jack offers low-end food and water similar to Horny’s, but its main perk lies in drugs. They provide items that help with drug creation and improvement.
Vanilla Unicorn
Vanilla Unicorn is responsible for laundering dirty money into clean cash through dances. This business is also highly event-driven, providing frequent opportunities for player interaction.
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