Signature of reviewal, Commissioner of police:
Signature of reviewal, Sheriff: Jack Forester
Signature of reviewal, Undersheriff :
Signature of reviewal, Commander:
Department Vehicle Structure
Vehicle Sops
Department Uniform Structure
Uniform SOPS
Swat Uniform
A)​ Purpose
a) The purpose of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is to create a sense of peace and safety within Blaine County, while also creating a Laid back yet serious environment for it’s deputies. This document was created to outline the offices structure, within Rank, Uniformity and disciplinary.
B) Oath of Office
a) All officers shall take an “Oath of Office” prior to assuming sworn status or when receiving a promotion to a higher sworn rank. Sworn personnel will abide by the “Oath of Office.” The “Oath of Office” is a pledge to uphold the Laws of San Andreas
C) Code of Ethics
a) All Department employees must be fully aware of the ethical responsibilities of their position and must strive constantly to live up to the highest possible standards of professional policing. Consequently, the Department shall adopt a Code of Ethics as a guideline for the performance of its duties.
i) All sworn and civilian employees shall receive instruction on the Department “Code of Ethics”, at a minimum, biennially.
ii) “Code of Ethics” review can be in the form of classroom, shift briefing, computer-based training, or training bulletins.
-All Department Members are accountable for their actions, or their failure to act in a professional manner.
-We hope you always provide the highest quality service available and handle scenarios in the most professional way possible.
-If you don’t follow this Patrol Guide, a Warning will be issued. If you are still unable to follow, a Suspension or Demotion will be issued. Please keep in mind that this Department has to be professional and the only way to achieve that is with regular training and strict rules.
-We highly suggest everyone to be as professional as possible (even as a civilian). Professionalism and activity is what we are looking for to promote you further in our department alongside several other aspects.
-Please follow our ranking structure for any complaints and suggestions.
Respect - Courage - Commitment - Honesty - Excellence - Integrity We envision the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office as being staffed by highly competent, motivated, trained, educated members, equipped to meet the goals and objectives of our department and needs of our community.
Officer Responsibilities & Job Description
What is the job of a BCSO Deputy?
The duties of a police officer, also known as a law enforcement officer, is focused on protecting people and property. They patrol the areas they are assigned, which sometimes include entire jurisdictions, respond to calls, enforce laws, make arrests, issue citations, and occasionally testify in court cases. They often conduct traffic stops, respond to domestic disturbances, and, at times, provide first aid to someone involved in a traffic accident or injured in a domestic dispute until paramedics arrive. Much of their time is divided between patrolling, writing reports, and filling out forms.
Basics of Law Enforcement
Police departments do not write laws; they are tasked with the responsibility of enforcing laws that are enacted by elected officials in the legislature and that are interpreted by the courts. Enforcing laws is just one of many different roles of the police. Other important roles include working with communities to prevent crimes and solve various “quality of life” problems, maintaining order, and conducting investigations. Police officials are responsible for performing their various roles and responsibilities in a way that protects everyone’s constitutional rights. At its most basic level, constitutional policing can be described as “legal policing".
As a member of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, my first duty is to serve the people of San Andreas. I will safeguard lives and property, and protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder. Above all else, I shall respect the constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality, and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all, maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule, develop self restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. I will be honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, and I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my Department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept confidential unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself to my chosen profession… law enforcement.
Under Sheriff
Deputy First Class
Advisor of all departments. They help the Sheriff and Chief with their departments and make sure it is in tip shop shape.
Ultimate figure of authority and leader of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
Preserves the values of the department and its growth with this in mind
Ambassador for Department relations internally & externally
Ensures the Department is operationally complaint with current legislation
Powers of Suspension, Formal Disciplinary Action and Termination
Under Sheriff
The Second most senior authority and team liaison
Leads innovation and leads the team of CoC
Responsible for day to day smooth operations in the absence of the Sheriff.
Assists the Sheriff in all duties
Powers of Suspension, Formal Disciplinary Action and Termination
A commander is a highest-ranking officer within the department who does not hold an administrative position. They report to the command staff about the progress of any and all supervisors, sub-divisions, patrol units, department policy, and much more. The will often oversee large patrols and can deal with any issues brought to them by other Senior Staff members without following the chain of command unless they deem it necessary. They oversee all department policies, patrols, divisions, supervisors, and procedures. They work with the Undersheriff to decide on major choices, such as Sub-division Directors and Department Supervisors.
Has shown a lot of responsibility and proven and lives by the standards set by the sheriff's office. Supervises the sgts and reports to the commander directly, usually heading or high up in a subdivision.
Has shown Potential over time
Mentors for newer deputies usually take control of most field operations and are experts in field training.
Has shown potential over time
Overseen by Department Supervisors
Dedicated to everyday Patrol, recruitment, and have supervision over lower deputies.
Deputy First Class
Experienced Deputy, know what their task is as a deputy. Overseen by Supervisors but are also able to specialize their job and improve the sheriff's office, like subdivisions or other more complex tasks.
Becoming a Sheriff's Deputy means you are officially a member of the Blaine County Sheriff's Office. Deputy is the status given to all officers after they complete their probationary course.
Probationary Deputy
Recently Hired in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, first phase of training and education.
Crime Categories
Category 3
Code red vehicle / person
Panic button
Category 2
Felony stops (can vary)
Category 1
Stores and lower priority chases
These can be adjusted according to supervisor determination.
Jurisdiction -
Promotions should not be asked for regardless of any situations at any time whatever the case is. There are several ways to earn promotions and they will be handed on a regular basis depending on several factors that will be discussed below. There are several things that would be dependent on promotions, we’ll include a list in this document of things that department leadership looks into when evaluating units and doing promotions for suitable department members. Never hint towards promotions, if a department leadership member announces the day promotions will happen, please do not keep asking on that day, when the promotions will take place. Leave it be, have patience and good things will come. Afterall, patience is a virtue.
Having resilience
Being Service Minded
Having integrity (Doing the right things even when no one is watching)
Being interactive within the department
Remaining at the highest standards regardless of any issues.
Maintaining professionalism at all times, even when you are off-duty (LEO)
Demotions in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office would never happen without a reason; our department leadership and high command are all service-minded and understanding people. However, at times when a Chain of Command member has a suitable reason to hand out a strike, clock out or demotion. These sorts of decisions, such as demotions do not happen without a discussion between the other Blaine County Sheriff’s Office command members, it’s a joint decision. There could be several reasons for a demotion, here is a list of the things that may lead up to a demotion. You may be demoted for any other reasons that are not stated in this list if agreed upon by Command.
Inactivity within the department. If you’re not active, we won’t notice you, this can also result in removal of certifications/subdivisions or a certain position such as Supervisors or Field Training Officer.
Failure to follow Department commanding Structures and the S.O.P
Causing internal arguments with other Law Enforcement Departments within the San Andreas Police Departments.
Bringing the name of the department into disrepute.
Poor performance while on-duty, this could also lead to re-training and suspensions, demotions, and strikes, and eventually end in termination.
Disrespect of higher ups may lead to the above punishments.
All transfers into the Blaine County Sheriff's Office shall be approved by Command (Lt+). The members reviewing transfers into the Blaine County Sheriff's Office shall require a written report of the transferee's conduct from previous department supervisors and command, an explanation of existing strikes if any and the story behind them, and an explanation for the reason for the transfer. If the transferee holds the rank of a supervisor or higher, the current administrators of the Blaine County Sheriff's Office reserve the rights to initiate a vote which will determine the outcome of the person's rank. Troopers will be required to go down one rank (Sgt), or lower if necessary.
Department Vehicle Structure
The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office Vehicle Structure is to be followed at all times, regardless of any exceptions. You will never be authorized by a High Command member to drive a vehicle out of your rank, if caught claiming so, you’ll still be met with disciplinary action. The vehicle structure states slick-top usage is locked to the Sergeant , make sure this is followed at all times, failure to abide by this will result in disciplinary action from High Command.Unmarked vehicles require command permission, and usually require a specific task to use one.
Vehicles Sop
Sheriff , Under Sheriff , Commander, Lieutenant & Sergeant
2019 Charger (npolchar)
Anything below.
PC - Metallic Racing Green / Frost White
SC - Metallic Racing Green
PSC -Metallic Racing Green
Optional Tan
PC - Metallic Beach Sand
SC - Metallic Beach Sand
PSC -Metallic Beach Sand
Dodge Durango (pddurango)
Anything below.
PC - Metallic Racing Green / Frost White
SC - Metallic Racing Green
PSC -Metallic Racing Green
Optional Tan
PC - Metallic Beach Sand
SC - Metallic Beach Sand
PSC -Metallic Beach Sand
Deputy First Class
2014 Dodge Charger (polchar)
(Anything Below)
PC - Metallic Racing Green / Frost White
SC - Metallic Racing Green
PSC -Metallic Racing Green
Ford Taurus (poltaurus2)
Ford Explorer (npolexp)
Chevy Tahoe (npoltah)
Ford Crown Vic (npolvic)
PC - Metallic Racing Green / Frost White
SC - Metallic Racing Green
PSC -Metallic Racing Green
Srt - (livery 2)
Primary: Matte Black Or Metallic Black
Secondary: Matte Black or Metallic Black
Pearlescent: Metals Racing Green
Mustang - (livery 2)
Primary: Matte Black Or Metallic Black
Secondary: Matte Black Or Metallic Black
Pearlescent: Metals Racing Green
Vette - (livery 2)
Primary: Matte Black Or Metallic Black
Secondary: Matte Black Or Metallic Black
Pearlescent: Metallic Racing green Or Metallic Black
Department Uniform Structure
The Uniform Structure is to be followed by everyone in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, if the Uniform Structure within the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is not followed, the member would receive escalating infractions within the Department. The infractions can range from a written warning to being clocked off and being put on Probation of different types depending on the incident and how often the Structure is broken by the member.
To patrol in a vest is locked to the rank of Sergeant, but if crime rates are high and there are a lot of priorities you may use the vest at all times until the crime rate drops.
Uniform SOPS
Sheriff , Under Sheriff , Commander, Lieutenant
Jacket: anything in our clothing options
Mask: (optional black,white,gold or green)
Jacket: Anything below
Hands: 101
Hat: (optional)
Bag: 0
Mask: (optional black,white,gold or green)
Mask: 0
Scarf: 251
Jackets: 674 TEX 3
Shirt: 313
Body Armor:135 TEX 5
Bags: 0
Hands: 217
Pants: 323 TEX 5
Shoes: 25
Hat: (optional)
Decals: 230 Tex 15
Mask: 0
Scarf: 251
Jackets: 674 TEX 3
Shirt: 313
Body Armor:135 TEX 5
Bags: 0
Hands: 217
Pants: 323 TEX 5
Shoes: 25
Hat: (optional)
Decals: 230 Tex 13
Deputy First Class
Mask: 0
Scarf: 251
Jackets: 675
Shirt: 313
Body Armor:135 TEX 4
Bags: 0
Hands: 219
Pants: 323 TEX 1
Shoes: 25
Hat: (optional)
Mask: 0
Scarf: 249
Jackets: 676
Shirt: 313
Body Armor:135 TEX 4
Bags: 0
Hands: 220
Pants: 323 TEX 1
Shoes: 25
Hat: (optional)
a) Officer Presence — No force is used. Considered the best way to resolve a situation. Ex. Patrolling
b) Verbal Force— Simply talking to an individual and persuading him/her by using your verbal skills should be used in combination with every level of force. There are two basic levels of verbal force
(1) Light Control. Giving directions and advice to individuals that are not hostile.
(2) Heavy Control. Using voice reflection, giving warning orders or commands to hostile or suspected hostile individual(s).
c) Empty-hands Control — Officers use bodily force to gain control of a situation. Ex: Tackling, handcuffing
d) Less-Lethal Methods — Officers use less-lethal technologies to gain control of a situation. Ex: Nightstick, Pepper Spray (Certification required), Taser
e) Lethal/ Deadly Force — Officers use lethal weapons to gain control of a situation. Should only be used if a suspect poses a serious threat to the officer or another individual, make sure the individual is using Lethal Force capability, opportunity. A Body Cam of the incident is required and can result in a strike if one is not provided. Ex: Issued Class 1, 2, or 3 weapons.
Capability: Capability would be present if the individual possesses the actual ability to inflict serious bodily injury/death. Ex: Weapon in hand
Opportunity : In order for a person to have the ability to inflict damage or serious bodily harm, he or she must be present or in place. Ex: Within the Max weapon distance of the weapon that is being wielded.
A hostile or dangerous person must clearly indicate the Intent to cause damage to protected resources, or bodily harm to others. Are they actually aiming a weapon or other dangerous object in a fashion that is capable of, and is obviously being used with the intention of, inflicting damage or serious bodily harm to persons. Ex: Pointing weapon at you, running and swinging a knife at you
When an individual is convicted of a crime they are to enter some type of plea within the report. The different type of Plea’s they can choose from are
Guilty- When an individual admits to all of the charges and acknowledges he/she has committed them (Cannot take this to court) provide a plea deal to help the individual want to plead guilty This can be only reduced 30% with a lawyer and without a lawyer then 15%. If you would like to reduce it more contact a Corporal +
Non-Guilty- When an individual denies the charges on him/her and believes they did not commit the crime (Can take this to court) Must give max time and max fine
No Contest- This occurs when an individual refuses to plead guilty or non guilty if this occurs please contact a judge through his/her email so they can force a plea on an individual. The Individual must remain in the cell until a Plea is given.
If an Individual requests a lawyer we can allow them one phone call to contact a lawyer within the services app or we can contact them via email to come down into the cells to represent them. When the lawyer enters the cell room the suspect's time serving has started so make sure you are keeping watch to the best of your ability.
If an Individual claims to be mentally insane please refer to the Mental Insanity Plea in the announcements channel or in the link below
Weapon & Responsible Force Policy
Less-lethal force is force that is not likely to cause serious physical injury or death. Any use of less-lethal force must be both objectively reasonable and necessary in order to carry out the authorized Officer’s/Agent’s law enforcement duties. Less-lethal devices/weapons may be used in situations where empty-hand techniques are not sufficient to control disorderly or violent subjects.
Deadly force is force that is likely to cause serious physical injury or death. Authorized Officers may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of serious physical injury or death to the officer or to another person a serious physical Injury.
Both the federal and state Constitutions provide every individual with the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. This policy provides general guidelines for Los Santos City Police Department personnel to consider when dealing with search and seizure issues.
The reasonableness of a search is justified by the rationale leading to it, not the resulting seizure of incriminating property. A search cannot be based on a hunch or arbitrary judgment. Every step leading to a search must follow a logical progression, built upon a legal basis.
To search in locations where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy you need to have a warrant. Examples of items and areas in which the courts have ruled that individuals do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy include:
Plain View - There is no expectation of privacy in an object that is plain view to others from an area where the officer(s) has a right to be. When a police officer(s) sees an object in "plain view" and its value as contraband or evidence is readily apparent, the officer(s) may seize it.
Search by Non-Governmental Persons - Property seized by private persons, in a manner that would otherwise be illegal if seized by a government agent, does not violate the Constitution and may be provided to an officer(s) for use in a criminal investigation. However, an officer(s) may not use a private person as an "agent" to search if the officer(s) would not otherwise be authorized to conduct the search.
Visual Aids or Heat Sensing Equipment - The use of flashlights, photo surveillance, or heat sensing equipment to view or measure property that is otherwise open to public view is not considered a search, as it simply enhances the officer(s)'s senses.
The U.S. Constitution generally provides that a valid warrant is required for a lawful search. There are, however, several exceptions that permit a warrantless search. Examples of law enforcement activities that are exceptions to the general warrant requirement include, but are not limited to, searches pursuant to the following:
Valid consent
The validity of the consent depends on the consent being given voluntarily. The courts determine the voluntariness of the consent based upon the totality of the circumstances. Some of the factors courts have considered in determining whether consent is voluntary include:
Knowledge of the right to refuse consent;
The consenting individual's experience with police procedures;
The number of police officers present;
Any threat of consequences if consent is not given;
Circumstances indicating use of force; and
The age of the individual.
Incident to lawful arrest
A search incident to lawful arrest is permissible in the following situations:
After a full custodial arrest and prior to transport, or
After an arrest, even when a person is to be released, if the officer(s) has reason to believe there is a need to search for evidence related to the offense for which the person has been charged.
An officer(s) has the authority to conduct a full search of the person of an arrestee following a full custodial arrest and prior to transport. The search incident to arrest of an arrestee who will be field released is limited to a search for evidence related to the offense with which the person is charged if the officer(s) has reason to believe such evidence will be discovered. For example, a person arrested for shoplifting may be searched for additional stolen merchandise.
Emergency Search of a Person
Various courts have allowed warrantless searches of persons when those searches are in response to emergency situations concerning an injured or unconscious person requiring aid. The scope of an emergency search of a person is limited to the extent necessary to effectuate the purpose. There is a need to intrude upon the privacy interests of that person for one or more of the following reasons:
Identification of the person in order to contact relatives or friends;
Determination of the need for specific medication (e.g., medical bracelet, necklace, card) or evidence of medication, etc.; and
Discovery of the nature of the injury or problem by examination.
Exigent circumstances
Police may conduct an immediate, warrantless search or seizure under emergency conditions, if there is probable cause to believe that delay in getting a warrant would result in the loss of evidence, the escape of the suspect, or harm to the police or public.
officers are allowed to enter a home when a suspect retreats into the home or private area and there is reasonable fear of escape, destruction of evidence, or injury to the police or public.
When considering the exigent circumstances, examine:
Is the offense serious or one of violent nature?
Is the suspect armed?
Is the probable cause strong enough to believe the suspect committed the crime?
Is there probable cause to believe the suspect was in the premises?
Did the police identify themselves and give the suspect a chance to surrender prior to entry?
Was there an ongoing investigation or decision to arrest prior to the suspect fleeing into the premises?
A search of a person’s residence without a warrant is presumed to be unreasonable. officers must be very careful about entering a home without a warrant and must be prepared to justify any entrance to a residence based on an exception to the warrant requirement.
Consent Search of a Residence
The extent of the search is limited by the consent given. The subject can stop the search at any time or restrict the breadth of the search at any time.
The extent of the search is limited to the area over which the consenting party has apparent authority. If more than one person has apparent authority to consent and at least one declines consent, officers may not rely on consent of the other.
Joint occupants - spouses, partners, roommates - may consent to the search of shared areas, as well as areas under their own control. They may not consent to search for areas under the exclusive control of the other.
A host may consent to the search of premises occupied by a guest or visitor, but not to the search of a guest's personal property. A visitor/guest may not consent to the search of the host's premises.
Mere permission to enter is not consent to search. It does establish lawful presence and therefore allows an officer(s) to seize items immediately apparent as evidence in plain view. The consent to search one area does not allow search of other areas. The person may withdraw the consent to search at any time. At such time the search must be stopped.
Public Safety or Emergency Search of a Residence
This exception to the warrant requirement generally relates to situations in which it appears that a person may be hurt or in need of immediate assistance. Examples include welfare checks and domestic violence situations where the crime is ongoing.
This exception is based upon an immediate need to provide protection or aid, not on the need for investigation or the seriousness of an offense. Specifically, officers must have reasonable grounds to believe there is an immediate need to protect the life or safety of themselves or others to enter a property. Once on the property, the officer(s) must limit the search to areas where it would be reasonable, considering the nature of the emergency, to locate the person or thing and carry out the purpose of the entry.
Hot Pursuit Search of a Residence
Although an officer(s) need not be in sight of the fleeing suspect, the officer(s) must be in active pursuit of the fleeing suspect. Case law has determined that delay to wait for additional units and to plan an apprehension may remove the “hot pursuit” aspect and require a warrant. The search is limited to those areas in which the person may be hiding.
Search of a Residence Incident to Arrest
This warrant exception may apply if the officer(s) is in the home lawfully and the arrest of the person is lawful. The officer(s) may search areas under the immediate control (or “wingspan”) of the arrestee if there is reason to believe there will be evidence of the crime of arrest or that a danger to the officer(s) is present.
Consent Searches
As in all consent searches, the issue of voluntariness must be addressed. The owner or a person with apparent authority over the vehicle may consent to its search. The subject can stop the search at any time or restrict the breadth of the search at any time.
Search of Vehicles Incident to Arrest
Case law has determined that if an officer is making an arrest and the arrestee is handcuffed and secure, there is no basis for searching the arrestee's vehicle for officers safety purposes. Officers may still search the passenger compartment of a vehicle incident to arrest if it is reasonable to believe that the vehicle contains evidence of the offense of arrest.
Probable Cause
An officer may search a vehicle if there is probable cause to believe there is contraband or evidence in the vehicle, and the vehicle is readily mobile. Some examples of evidence that may lead to probable cause include, but are not limited to:
A canine alerts on the vehicle;
An officer smells the odor of fresh or presently burning marijuana coming from the vehicle;
An officer sees contraband, narcotics, or paraphernalia in plain view in the vehicle; and
The arrestee makes statements about evidence or contraband in the vehicle.
The scope of a vehicle search is the same as would be authorized by a search warrant. The search shall be limited by the object of the search, and may include the passenger compartment, trunk, and all containers belonging to the driver or passenger(s) within the vehicle.
Miscellaneous Vehicle Searches
If lawful authority for a search is present, officers will keep the following in mind:
Search for Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - An officer may move items on the dashboard of a vehicle that are blocking the view of the public VIN from the outside of the vehicle if investigating an offense related to the ownership of the vehicle. This VIN is normally visible through the windshield. When checking the registration of a vehicle, the officer may compare the VIN on the registration with the VIN on the vehicle.
The VIN on a motorcycle is usually located on the front left strut. This can be used to identify ownership of a motorcycle. The officer(s) may also compare the VIN on the registration with the VIN on the motorcycle.
Abandoned Vehicle - If a vehicle is truly abandoned, there is no need for a search warrant or as an exception to the warrant requirement, there would be no reasonable expectation of privacy in the vehicle.
Code Red, Orange, Blue & Green
Code Green (non-violent Evading
Follow behind the suspect safely
Boxing/Blocking methods may be used
Spike strips may be used when authorized by a Supervisor
Code Orange (Declared by Senior Officer +)
If a suspect is driving recklessly, speeding over (120mph) or the chase has lasted more than 5 minutes, this is the pursuit code to be used. Must wait 2 minutes to declare unless it's extremely severe.
Controlled ramming and puts are authorized under speeds of 90MPH.
Roadblocks may be used, spikes can be placed ONLY on one side of the road, the other side of the road you can block using your vehicle.
Code Blue (Declared by Corporal +)
Lethal force is authorized on the vehicle in order for it to stop, NOT THE OCCUPANTS. Shooting tires or pitting with the intent to pin or immobilize the vehicle. This is to be used on suspects with dangerous vehicles and vehicle operators who do not follow the vehicle's capilies (EX Offroad in a supercar/race car) or have complete disregard for life (EX. Jumps that risk the vehicle’s operability or the people inside it)
Authorized to Disable tires.
Authorized to immobilize the vehicle at lower speeds (90MPH)
Code Red (Declared by sergeant + IF suspects have not attacked officers or civilians with lethal force.)
The suspect has fired at police/civilians (not locals), killed anyone, has attempted to kill someone (running PD over)
Lethal force is only authorized if suspects inside have fired a firearm at someone
Tried to run someone over, and/or is a clear danger to the public, or officers.
The following methods can be used in a Code Red chase:
Lethal force is authorized on all occupants of the vehicle.
Lethal force to disable the engine.
Clear the shoot the vehicle tires.
Authorizing pit/ram at speed under 100MPH
Do not risk innocent bystanders or other officers.
Radio Etiquette
Communication over the radio is important. Officers should speak clearly with an assertive voice without yelling, they also should keep the radio transmission short and to the point. A transmission should be no longer than 10-15 seconds and if a longer conversation is required, there should be a break every 15 seconds to allow more urgent communications to be heard. If an officer goes over the radio and says “BREAK, BREAK, BREAK '' you are to seize any and all transmission over the radio immediately as an emergency of some sort needs to be addressed. Do not abuse this if caught doing so you can be issued a strike.
Some tips to help you if you struggle are:
LISTEN BEFORE YOU TALK-It’s important for you to understand what’s happening before you key the mic, and that begins with listening. If you follow the conversation closely, some of the questions you have will be answered, and you’ll gather critical information that will enhance your understanding of the situation. If you listen to the conversation for a while, you’ll start to develop a feel for the ebb and flow of communications between multiple parties, and will become a better judge of when it’s appropriate for you to jump in.
THINK BEFORE YOU TALK-Some people key the mic, then waste a bunch of airtime as they try to organize and compose their thoughts in a rambling message. Don’t be this person! Think about what you’re going to say, and how you’re going to say it, before you key the mic. Brevity and accuracy are key elements of effective radio communications, so plan before you key that mic.
TAKE A BREATH- Before you key the mic, take a deep breath and get it together. A hysterical, high-pitched, unintelligible transmission isn’t going to help anyone. Take a breath, calm down, then speak clearly. You can get a lot more help if people understand what you’re saying.
BE AWARE- You need to have the situational awareness to understand where you fit into the big picture, and not make things worse. If the radio is blowing up with an active shooter situation, is this really a good time for you to initiate and call in a discretionary traffic stop? Or even a stolen vehicle pursuit? If an entry team just went inside after the shooter, is it really important for you to report that you’re shutting down an intersection six blocks away? Figure out who needs the radio the most, and let them have the frequency. Don’t put unnecessary strain on a system that is already overstressed. Prioritize!
INCLUDE IMPORTANT DETAILS- Ensure you include locations, descriptions, direction of travel, weapons observed and other essential elements of information that your fellow officers need to know. “Shots fired” is important, but not helpful if nobody knows where you are. “One down” is important, but missing critical details – one of us, or one of them?
GIVE SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS- Blind requests and orders for “somebody” to do something usually go unfulfilled. Cops tend to be self-directing, and there’s a strong tendency for them to assume that “somebody” means “somebody else” other than them, because they already have a different plan in motion. If a job is important, it needs to be assigned to a specific person or team.
- State Of Emergency
State of Emergency (This level of threat is only allowed to be called after all of the command has discussed and agreed.)
Any suspect who is CONFIRMED to be armed, can be put down with lethal force.
Any vehicle attempting to get involved in 10-80s can be put down with lethal force.
Any non-compliant suspects, and or bystanders may be asked to leave once, and then put down with lethal force.
Any attempt from any outside party deemed a reasonable threat to officers, is subject to being terminated.
Any suspect brandishing a weapon, or attempting to pull and brandish a weapon, may be put down with lethal force.
Gang/group threat level
Gang / Group threat level:
These threat levels are assigned as a reactionary status depending on violent/criminal output from recognized/identified groups of people.
Green - gangs/groups that have been labeled with the base threat level of green should expect a normal response from officers and any backup that arrives.
Orange - gangs/groups that have been labeled this threat level should expect a more “firm” response from officers and backup arriving, these gangs pose a minor threat to officers and should be treated with non-lethals OR non-lethal with lethal backup if the suspect is armed.
Red - Gangs/groups that have been labeled with the red threat level pose a major threat to officer safety and thus deem an appropriate response that will neutralize any deadly threat with lethal force.
*Orange - nonlethal force is authorized on deadly/armed threats, with lethal follow up if there is any resistance.*
Red - lethal force is authorized on deadly/armed threats
For a civilian to be able to ride along with a deputy, you may first have Permission from a Lieutenant or higher.
a) The civilian may not have any felonies on record.
b) The civilian may not have any misdemeanors within the past two years.
c) The civilian may not have any outstanding citations.
Taser Deployment
EMS should be activated following Taser application in the following circumstances:
Keeping in mind a taser is in the higher range of escalation, the following procedure must be done for a suspect engaged with one.
The probe is embedded in the eye, genitals, or bone.
Seizure is witnessed after Taser application.
There is excessive bleeding from the probe site after probe removal.
Cardiac arrest, complaints of chest pain, palpitations.
Respiratory distress.
Change in mental status after application.
Patients with uncomplicated conducted electrical weapon (Taser) probes embedded subcutaneously in non-vulnerable areas of skin.PROCEDURE
Ensure wires are disconnected from weapons.
Stabilize skin around the probe using a non-dominant hand.
Grasp probe by metal body using dominant hand.
Remove the probe by pulling straight out in a single quick motion.
Removed probes should be handled and disposed of like contaminated sharps in a designated sharps container, unless requested as evidence by police.
Cleanse wounds and apply dressing.
If the last tetanus immunization was greater than 5 years, advise the patient that they may need one.
*The requirement for on-field medical assistance is void if the situation is dangerous to remain in the area, or EMS is not available, then the Deputy will have to use their best perception of medical training to assist the suspect, and if necessary take them to a medical center for further assistance.*
The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is committed to protecting the lives, property and rights of all people, to maintain order and to enforce the law. The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office will strive to accomplish this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the core values of the Office. It is our mission to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and to ensure that our county is a safe place to live, work and visit. We are totally dedicated to this mission, to the County we serve and to accept the responsibility of attaining our goal of achieving excellence within our profession. The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office’s values are its principles and beliefs, which guide the Office’s members as they pursue the Office’s mission. The underlying premise of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is that officers shall dedicate themselves to treat people with respect, fairness and compassion.
North of Vinewood hills, BCSO will be patrolling throughout that area as normal as the county police. - LSPD will not need to call us for help in the event category 2+ crime, unless the situation extends into BCSO jurisdiction. - When LSPD or BCSO is not active and is under 3 Officers, BCSO will try to assist and control the whole island alongside LSPD and SAST for assistance. -Image with jurisdiction below: