Taser & Pepper Spray
Activation of EMS Following Taser and Pepper Spray Application:
EMS should be activated following Taser and Pepper Spray application in the following circumstances:
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the issue, training, and use of Pepper spray & Tasers by police personnel.
Statement of Policy: It is the policy of the Mission Row/State Troopers Police Department to allow officers who have successfully completed a certified course in the use of the chemical agent, Oleoresin Capsicum, to use such spray while in the course of their official duties.
Authorized OC Pepper Spray: All uniformed and investigative personnel will be issued pepper spray containing 10% Oleoresin Capsicum. No officer should carry or use any other OC pepper spray than the one provided by the police department. Any Cpl+ may grant exceptions for an officer to use pepper spray in special operations, provided the officer is properly trained and certified.
Pepper Spray:
Purpose and Usage of Pepper Spray: Pepper spray is considered a compliance tool that will be used to gain compliance against actively resisting suspects. The weapon may be used to protect citizens and law enforcement officers from physical attack and in gaining compliance for the restraint of aggressive individuals in arrests, detainment, and other enforcement situations.
Reporting Guidelines: An officer who sprays anyone with OC pepper spray while in the performance of their duties as a police officer, on or off duty, should ensure that it is documented in the report of the suspect who was pepper sprayed. Reports should be sent to the highest officer on duty, and if they are not in the city, reports should be sent through email or other means of communication.
Procedure for Suspects Pepper Sprayed: All suspects who are pepper sprayed should automatically be provided with assistance. Officers should advise that the pepper spray is only temporary and encourage suspects to relax and not touch or rub their eyes. Once the individual is secured, the officer should rinse and dry out the suspect's contaminated eyes as soon as possible, using a department-provided eye washer whenever possible. Officers should monitor the suspect to ensure they are okay before taking them into custody. If the sting worsens or they begin to have trouble breathing, officers should call EMS immediately for medical assistance.
Taser Deployment:
EMS Activation: EMS should be activated following Taser application in the following circumstances: probe embedded in the eye, genitals, or bone; witnessed seizure after Taser application; excessive bleeding from the probe site after probe removal; cardiac arrest, complaints of chest pain, palpitations; respiratory distress; change in mental status after application.
Removal Procedure for Suspects with Embedded Probes: For suspects with uncomplicated conducted electrical weapon (Taser) probes embedded subcutaneously in non-vulnerable areas of skin, ensure wires are disconnected from weapons, stabilize skin around the probe using a non-dominant hand, grasp probe by metal body using tweezers in your dominant hand, remove the probe by pulling straight out in a single quick motion. Removed probes should be handled and disposed of like contaminated sharps in a designated sharps container, then submitted to evidence. Cleanse wounds with saline rinse, apply antibiotic cream, and cover with dressing. If the last tetanus immunization was greater than 5 years, advise the patient they should follow up with their physician or care provider.
Excessive Use of Pepper Spray and Lethal Force: If there is excessive use of pepper spray and the officer is being attacked, they are able to use lethal force when necessary.
Field Medical Assistance: The requirement for all field medical assistance is void if the situation is dangerous to remain in the area, or EMS is not available. In such cases, the officer will have to move the suspect to a more secure location and use their best perception of medical training to assist the suspect. If necessary, the officer should take them to a medical centre for further assistance.
Last updated