Colonel - Jay Rogue Lieutenant Colonel - Greg Collins
Major - N/A
This is an official document approved by SAST command staff.
This document is used in conjunction with the Training Manual that outlines specific procedures that may not be noted here. This document should be read and followed in its entirety.
Any updates/changes to policy will be marked in Blue.
Approved by the Commissioner’s Office
For Public Publishing
Signature of reviewal, Commissioner:
Conan Clarkson
Signature of reviewal: Colonel:
Signature of reviewal, Lieutenant Colonel:
Greg Collins
Signature of reviewal, Major :
LAST EDITED - Des. 31st, 2023
Table of Contents
Section 1.0: Basics
1.1 Uniforms
1.2 Vehicles
1.3 Armory
Section 2.0: Chain of Command
2.1 Rank Structure
2.2 Reporting
2.3 Probationary Period
Section 3.0: Subdivisions
3.1 Descriptions and Status
Section 4.0: Civilian Interactions
4.1 Gun Licenses
4.2 911
4.3 Hostages
4.4 Use of Force
Section 5.0: Police Duty
5.1 Traffic Stops
5.2 Chases
5.3A Miranda Rights
5.3B Processing
5.4 Probable Cause
Section 6.0: Department Policies
6.1 Class 3 Weapon Usage and Possession
6.2 Bodycams
6.3 Ride Alongs
Uniforms are the core of the SAST, they help the citizens of the city identify the Troopers, as well as distinguish rank and promote uniformity in the SAST. All ranks are required to follow their Uniform SOP as stated in this document unless they have been granted use from a special request or otherwise stated. More casual uniforms are allowed with permission from command but it is otherwise preferred to follow Uniform SOP’s.
Your vehicle, also known as your shop, is your base of operations for every shift you go on duty. You are to take care of your shop, maintain it, and make sure it is secure every time you exit your vehicle. You MUST follow these SOPs for vehicle structure at all times unless something else has been approved by SAST High Command or the Commissioner's Office. Under no other circumstances should you defer from these SOPs. Vehicles must be uniform blue and white until reaching the rank of LT +.
-Crown Victoria, Ford Taurus, Ford Explorer, Chevy Tahoe, 2014 Dodge Charger, Dodge Durango
Dark Blue in primary color, bluish silver in pearlescent with the Trooper Livery
Trooper First Class:
-All Cars from Previous Ranks
Dark Blue in primary color, bluish silver in pearlescent with the Trooper Livery
> 2019 Dodge Charger can be used
-All Cars from Previous Ranks
Dark Blue in primary color, bluish silver in pearlescent with the Trooper Livery
> Cadillac CTS can be used
> Can use slicktop
Staff Sergeant
-All Cars from Previous Ranks
Dark Blue in primary color, bluish silver in pearlescent with the Trooper Livery
> Cadillac CTS can be used
> Can use slicktop
- All Cars from Previous Ranks
- You may black your vehicle out if you so choose
-------------------------- Major - Col. --------------------------
-All Cars from Previous Ranks
H.E.A.T Reserved: (Make sure to have Trooper Livery)
MBU Reserved for MBU certified drivers only, and every aspect of the MBU SOP must be followed at all times.
The armory is a vital place in any Police Department. Your patrol should always start with a visit to the armory to recoup on any and all of your general patrol utilities. All Troopers have designated patrol items and should follow their SOPs regarding the use and storing of their patrol kit. Your ammo should always be racked, and NEVER in your pockets.
Service Issued Glock 17 x1
Service Issued Glock 19 x1 Service Issued Zeus x27 Taser x1
Service Issued UMP x1 (Must have weapon certification)
Service Issued M870 x1
Handcuffs x1
Flashlight x1
Radio x1
Evidence Bags x10
Nightstick x1 (Optional)
Armor x2 All needed ammunition (all class 2 and 3 should be kept with the gun in your PD safe)
Trooper First Class:
Service Issued Glock 17 x1
Service Issued Glock 19 x1 Service Issued Zeus x27 Taser x1
Service Issued UMP x1 (Must have weapon certification)
Service Issued M870 x1
Service Issued PM40 x1
Handcuffs x1
Flashlight x1
Radio x1
Evidence Bags x10
Nightstick x1 (Optional)
Armor x2
All needed ammunition (all class 2 and 3 should be kept with the gun in your PD safe) --------------------------
Service Issued Glock 17 x1
Service Issued Glock 19 x1 Service Issued Zeus x27 Taser x1
Service Issued UMP x1 (Must have weapon certification)
Service Issued M870 x1 Service Issued PM40 x1
Handcuffs x1
Flashlight x1
Radio x1
Evidence Bags x10
Nightstick x1 (Optional)
Armor x2
All needed ammunition (all class 2 and 3 should be kept with the gun in your PD safe)
Staff Sergeant:
-------------------------- Service Issued Glock 17 x1
Service Issued Glock 19 x1 Service Issued Zeus x27 Taser x1
Service Issued UMP x1 (Must have weapon certification)
Service Issued M870 x1 Service Issued PM40 x1
Handcuffs x1
Flashlight x1
Radio x1
Evidence Bags x10
Nightstick x1 (Optional)
Armor x2
All needed ammunition (all class 2 and 3 should be kept with the gun in your PD safe)
Lieutenant → Col:
Everything above + Personal Side Arm (38 Revolver)
Chain of Command is an important part of any departmentThe chain of command should be followed at all times starting from where you lay, going up the chain till you’ve received what you need. Jumping the chain of command may result in you not getting what you need/getting it slower.
The rank structure is as follows in the Los Santos Police Department:
The commissioner’s office should never be your first point of contact in the chain of command.
SAST Command
Office of the Colonel
- Colonel - Lt Colonel
- Major
- Lieutenant
The SAST Command ranks are meant for structure purposes, any and all members of command or supervising duties are treated to the same respect and responsibility. Members of SAST are held to high standards and thus maintaining a strong bond between the ranks allows for us to keep eachother afloat.
-Staff Sergeant
-Sergeant -Trooper First Class
General Patrol
- Trooper
In the SAST we take corruption, and other internal issues within the Trooper’s very seriously. An Internal Affairs/Human Resources department is available to handle these types of situations.
To report any Trooper in your shift for something you witnessed on Bodycam, you may do so here:
Upon transferring into SAST at the rank of Trooper or Trooper First Class, you are put on a 1-week minimum probationary period with a maximum of 3-weeks. This probationary period is a trial phase to see how troopers operate within the department. If command deems a trooper a good fit they will pass probation. Failure to complete probation within 21 days will lead to being transferred back to your original department.
In SAST we have Subdivisions which are specialized units designated to specific tasks or skill sets who focus on areas of high priority. Here is where current Subdivision statuses will be most up to date. The Global Roster also has another version of this on the Information Board. See #documents in discord for links.
3.1: Subdivision Descriptions and Status
The Special Weapons and Tactics unit is currently ACTIVE
SWAT, or the Special Weapons and Tactics unit, specializes in high risk scenarios involving hostages or the use of higher caliber firearms. SWAT is made up of incredibly high skill individuals that prioritize maintaining the safety of all involved above all else. Members of this unit are often called upon during times of high duress and will patrol alongside other officers until called to assemble.
The Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic Unit is currently ACTIVE.
HEAT, or the Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic unit, is a vehicle unit consisting of high octane individuals that specialize in high speed engagements. The vehicles HEAT members are authorized to use are significantly faster than the average patrol unit and thus members express a high skill in high speed scenarios. HEAT will almost always head any pursuits, their skillset specializes in vehicle related crime and will often be incorporated in these chases.
MotorBike Unit ACTIVE.
MBU, or the MotorBike Unit, consists of members specializing in motorcycle chases. Although HEAT can keep the speed MBU can maintain behind vehicles in close quarters areas that other wider units are unable to follow. MBU members express high skill in these neck and neck chases, oftentimes being the only unit following behind in tight corridors.
Police K-9 ACTIVE
The K-9 Unit is almost self explainable, but don’t let that fool you, these K-9 are nothing to be messed with. K-9 use in regular patrol is steadfast in the fight against crime. Members of this unit are trusted individuals who are held to incredibly high standards among other officers. They specialize in close knit bonds between themselves and their K-9, these bonds allow for their unit to flourish and continuously stand out among the other units.
San Andreas Detective Bureau is currently ACTIVE
The San Andreas Department Bureau contains a small group of hand selected detectives whose sole job is to investigate criminal offenses and gang operations, oftentimes engaging in high risk information gathering in order to further assist in their cases. You may show your interest here:
Civilian Interactions are in the center of existence for the SAST. Our job is to Serve and Protect civilians of the city from crime and other malicious intent. Here you will find protocols for civilian interactions. Not everything will be listed, so the #1 protocol you need to follow is to use your Common Sense. Punishments for breaking protocols regarding this section may regard something not listed in the SOP but considered Common sense.
Any Trooper is authorized to give out Class 1 gun licenses.
Guns that are allowed to be licensed are: - Any 9MM Caliber Semi-Automatic Pistols
Disallowed Firearms: - Deagle - Any Automatic Pistol
- Any Class 2 or 3 Firearms (ARs and Shotguns)
Once a request for a Gun License is requested, the procedure will go as follows:
- Get the name of the Civilian. (If a name is unrealistic it will be denied and reported to the city’s Government.)
- Look up the Civilian on the MDT. Look for FELONY charges. Any felony charges will automatically disqualify the civilian from gaining a gun license.
- If the civilian does not have any felonies you will begin processing. Ask the civilian to be searched so they can enter the interior of the PD. Remove any weapons they have and inform them they will get them back after processing. - If they do not have their weapon, ask them if they intend to purchase a firearm following their license grant. - Deny the transaction if they do not have a clear plan. (At officer discretion)
- Once they’ve been searched perform the same process as if you were processing a suspect. Get their Fingerprint and Picture. You then will make a report in the mdt (#mdt) where you put their Name, picture, and later their Gun’s S/N. Also put this information on their name in the MDT.
- Once they have gone through processing, head back to reception, give them back any weapons and ask them which weapon they’d like to license. Most people will not have the weapon yet so tell them to come back with it when they have it. If they do have the weapon, see the weapon list above and determine if said weapon is allowed. If so ask them to give it to you, copy the S/N and put it in the Notes section following this format on the MDT:
Gun License Class 1 -- S/N: - Date - Licensed by ### | Rank FirstName LastName
- After this, you will do /fine ID 5000 Gun License -- This is the fee for the license.
- Next you Must do “/grantlicense (id) weapon”
- When done, give the gun back and they are all set. You’ve now licensed someone with a Class 1.
If they would like to license a new gun, you do the same process but you don’t have to go through processing. Just add another S/N.
911/Dispatch calls are how we respond to most of the situations we are involved in. When responding to 911 calls the protocols you are to follow are as listed:
This list is no particular order, do what makes the most sense
- Make the scene safe from weapons, no one should be brandishing any type of weapons
- Assess the situation with the caller/details of the dispatch report.
- Identify any threats, gather evidence, and make a detention or arrest.
- Detain anyone causing trouble to your investigation. Release them once you’ve decided what’s going on in the scene.
- Code 4 the scene for EMS if there are medical emergencies. EMS WILL NOT ENTER IF THERE ARE WEAPONS BRANDISHED.
- Neutralize any possible threats to Officer or Civilian safety.
- Help any person(s) in distress.
This list may not cover everything on a scene, but as stated at the title, use your common sense.
Hostages are a frequently used asset to criminals in many different types of crimes. Our job is above all, to make sure these hostages get out safe and in no harm. Above all including catching the criminal. With this, you should follow these protocols to ensure Hostage and Civilian safety.
As stated previously, this list is in no particular order. Do what makes sense.
- Ensure Hostages get out of the situation unharmed
- Ensure that the hostages are secured before proceeding.
- Ensure comfort of the hostages with Food and Water
- Once the hostage is out, commence a search of the hostage(s). Only things that could have been placed on them by their kidnappers should be taken. Even if the hostage is in possession of illegal substances, weapons, or property, these items shall not be taken from them unless they were placed by their kidnapper.. Ex. Chains or Rolexes from a jewelry heist hostage.
- Ensure after the hostage situation that they are taken care of (taken to pillbox if needed, evaluated for stress, etc.)
The Use of Force continuum is what all Law Enforcement Officers use to determine how to deal with a situation. The continuum is as follows (Top being the least, bottom being the most):
- Verbal Commands - Such as shouting to put a weapon down or to comply.
- Hand to Hand - If an unarmed suspect is attempting to battle an officer.
- Non/Less Lethal - If the suspect is very aggressive/dangerous and hand-to-hand is not an option.
- Lethal - This will be used whenever someone’s life is directly in danger.
Trooper’s will use this continuum to judge how much force is necessary to resolve a situation. Trooper’s can use one level above, or one level below the amount of force the suspect is using, with the ultimate goal of ending a threat if there is one, and de-escalating the situation as much as possible. However, if able and reasonable with the Trooper’s knowledge at the time, Trooper’s shall give warnings and use the least amount of force to end a threat or apprehend a suspect.
SAST Trooper’s have the duty to protect the public. This is done by enforcing the laws set forward by our government. All officers will hold the safety of civilians over all other duties. Trooper’s are also responsible for respecting the rights of civilians, and must follow all policy and laws set forward to help protect these rights.
Traffic stops are one of the core duties of a SAST Patrol Trooper. They are where traffic enforcement happens, most of the time where chases start, and sometimes are a great interaction between Civilians and troopers.
Here are procedures you must follow to maintain order on your traffic stops as well as safety.
This list, as in previous lists, are in no particular order.
- Safely pulling over a civilian
- Identifying yourself and giving badge number if requested
- Serving tickets and/or arrests
- Ensuring proper travel documentation
- Ensuring the vehicle is not stolen/wanted as well as the person(s).
- Identifying the person(s) in the vehicle.
- Making sure no illegal substances or firearms are in the vehicle
Additional Note: Vehicle/Person searches should only be done when you have probable cause and/or they’ve been arrested. Otherwise, you should not be randomly searching vehicles or civilians without consent.
As always, use common sense
Chases occur often in the city of Los Santos due to rampant crime. With that, we must follow the procedures listed to ensure safety to the public, as well as our fellow officers during these chases.
Follow these Chase codes, and be informed of the code of the chase you are currently in at all times:
Code Green (Non-violent Evading)
- Follow behind the suspect safely
- Boxing/ Blocking methods may be used
- Spike strips may be used when authorized by a Supervisor.
Code Orange (Declared by Trooper+)
- If a suspect is driving recklessly, speeding (120mph+) or the chase has lasted more than 10 minutes, this is the pursuit code to be used. Must wait at least 2 Minutes to declare unless it’s extremely severe.
- Controlled Ramming and Pits are authorized under speeds of 90MPH.
- Roadblocks may be used, Spikes can be placed ONLY on one side of the road, the other side must be your vehicle if you wish to use spikes.
Code BLUE (Declared by Trooper First Class+)
-Lethal force is authorized on the vehicle in order for it to stop, not the occupants. Shooting tires, or pitting with intent to pin and immobilize. This is to be used on suspects with dangerous vehicles and vehicle operators who do not follow the vehicle's capabilities (Ex. Offroad in a supercar/race car.) or have complete disregard for life of those in and outside of the vehicle. (Ex. Jumps that risk the vehicle's operability or the people inside of it.) - Authorized to Disable tires. - Authorized to Immobilize the vehicle at lower speeds. (90MPH)
Code Red (Declared by Sergeant+)
- The suspect has fired at police/civilians (not locals), killed anyone, has attempted to kill someone (running pd over).
- Lethal Force is only authorized if suspects inside have fired a firearm at someone, - Tried to run someone over, and/or is a clear danger to the public, or officers.
- Stolen LEO vehicles are automatic Code Red.
The Following methods can be used in a Code RED chase:
- Lethal Force is authorized on all occupants of the vehicle.
- Lethal Force to disable the engine
- Clear to shoot vehicle tires
- Authorizing pit/ram at speeds under 100mph
- Do not risk innocent bystanders or other officers.
These codes may also be used outside of a vehicle as well. In this case, all suspects will not be put under the same code automatically, they will have a code assigned to them as individuals, based on their actions and if they are in possession of any weapons, etc.
Processing is done after a crime has been committed and a Trooper arrests someone. When an ARREST is made, they will be taken back to Mission Row Police Department to be processed.
Note: DETAINMENT is not ARRESTING. If you detain someone it is for the safety of yourself or others. If you arrest someone it is because they committed an arrestable offense.
The protocols below should be used when processing a suspect:
This list, unlike others, must be done in this order.
-You MUST read an individual their Miranda rights before any incriminating questions are asked. If you do not ask any incriminating questions, Miranda rights are not necessary, but always recommended as a precaution.
- If you do not want to read an individual their rights, you must allow them the opportunity to phone a lawyer. If they do not want one, then you can continue processing.
-You can search an individual without Mirandizing them as long as you haven’t asked anything incriminating, the arrest is lawful and the suspect is in-fact under arrest.
-If an individual does not reply with “I understand my rights” you must read them a total of 2 times.
5.3-B: Processing
- Anything illegal they have on them will be used against them in the court of law as well as for their charges.
- Once taken to the sally port, you are to take out all arrestees and take them to the Mugshot Room. Here, you will gather their names (if you don’t already have it), their fingerprints, and their mugshot. You will enter all of this into the MDT (or #active-evidence if yours isn’t working). You will also enter the Fingerprint of the suspect into the MDT to allow for searching and linking of crimes.
- Once this portion of processing is done, you will send them to the holding cells. You will calculate their charges, either through the MDT or supporting documents you have (DOJ Penal code), and determine their sentence.
- If they have a felony charge, remember to /revokelicense [ID] weapon on every suspect, just to make sure they can no longer purchase firearms as a felon.
- Before making anything final, you read them their fines, and then ask them to plead for each charge. If they plead guilty to all you may AT MOST, cut their sentence in half. If they plead anything else then it is your discretion (has to be more than half). If they do not plead, it is no contest which means they have not plead and can go to court for it.
- If they ask for a lawyer, you must allow them to go on their phone and call a lawyer. Do not contest this, it is their right.
- Once a sentence and fine have been determined you will /fine ID Amount the suspect, then /jail ID Months them. Please make sure that D.O.C. is not online before sending someone to prison from the station. You can contact D.O.C on radio channel 10.
- Max jail sentence is 150 Months.
- From there you make sure all your paperwork is finished and move on back to patrol.
Additional Note: If they ask you to read rights again, you are to read their rights up to 3 times. After that it is assumed they understand their rights. You are also not obligated to read their rights in a different language. English is sufficient.
Probable cause has a dedicated section because this is very important to everything you do, and is the difference between a lawsuit or even suspension/termination.
Probable cause is the logical belief, supported by facts and circumstances, that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed.
Officers may use probable cause to execute a search, arrest, or to detain someone. They may not perform those actions without probable cause, exigent circumstances, and/or consent.
Examples of probable cause is:
You receive a dispatch call from shots fired from a vehicle. When you get to the area you spot the vehicle and the license plates match or the description of the vehicle matches the report. From there you have probable cause to pull them over, search everybody inside the vehicle and the vehicle itself. Anything they have on them can be used against them for that report.
An example of not enough probable cause is:
Someone is standing across the street from where a crime is committed. If they are not doing anything suspicious or holding anything that looks like it was used for the crime, then you do not have probable cause. You can still talk to them but you can not arrest or even detain them.
Date in effect: 7/13/2021 Edited: 06/17/2022 | #J. Adams
#6.11 - When it comes to using Class 3’s it is our absolute last resort when it comes to lethal force, and there are certain criteria that have to be met in order to draw your Class 3. Panic buttons, distress calls and heavy shots fired calls, do not automatically qualify as Class 3 usage. For a quick refresher, as a general rule of thumb, a ratio of 1:3 is to be followed for you to draw your Class 3. If you are responding to a panic button with 2 officers and there are 3 suspects with Class 1’s, you match force. If one officer is injured and you are outnumbered 1:3, then you can draw your Class 3.
#6.12 - Situations where Class 3’s are automatically authorized:
A) Suspects are using Class 3’s.
B) Shooting down any aircraft.
C) Upon SWAT deployment to a major shootout/major gang related situation.
D) Approval by Sergeant+ (Has to be announced over radio).
#6.13 - Outnumbered Situations
If you have a couple officers at a scene with a lot of suspects but are outnumbered, it is up to the Sergeant (or above) on scene to assess the situation accordingly and make the appropriate call for firearm usage. Suspects using Class 2’s is not sufficient grounds for you to use your Class 3!
#6.14 - Only Trooper’s that have obtained their class three certification may be in possession of a class three firearm while on patrol.
#6.15 - Unauthorized use of your Class Three firearm:
- Pulling out your class three when none of the criteria stated above have been met, but not discharging it - will result in a warning.
- Discharging your class three when none of the criteria to use it have been met.
- Failing to provide a bodycam for the use of your class three.
- Injuring or killing an innocent civilian or officer with your class three.
Failure to obey these guidelines will result in the immediate suspension of your class three certification. While suspended, you must turn in your Class Three Weapon to a member of Command. Department Command will review your case and determine if you are eligible to have your class three certification returned to you or if departmental strikes are necessary, as well as any further disciplinary action.
Date in effect: 7/02/2021, Updated on 12/21/21 by N. Mercury
#6.21 - or other working recording software is required as your On Duty Bodycam.
#6.22 - Officers will not be required to produce bodycam for incidents that did not involve them using lethal force against the suspect in question. If bodycam of an incident is recorded, officers are not required to produce this bodycam to a lawyer until a valid court / legal order is produced.
#6.23 - Failure to produce bodycam for incidents where lethal force is used will result in a strike.
Date in effect: 07/18/2021
Civilian Ridealongs are authorized for ranks Trooper and above, with the permission of command, to give the community a taste of what LEOs deal with on a daily basis, or to give people an experience prior to applying. Civilian Ridealongs are required to have one heavy vest equipped from the armory, and are not allowed to have any weapons on them. They are there to STRICTLY observe. When pursuing a dangerous suspect, investigating an active crime scene, or any other possibly dangerous action, your ridealong is to remain in the vehicle at all times. Otherwise, for normal civilian interactions, questionings, and normal 911 calls, the civilian is permitted to follow.
You must make it clear that during the ridealong they are to follow all instructions given to them. Failure to do so will result in an early termination of the ridealong.
~Approved by Colonel Natalia Mercury, Badge #-501
Date in effect: 8/10/21
When a Law Enforcement Officer is taken hostage, it is a higher risk scenario for other LEOs in that situation. Suspects who take LEOs hostage have proven that they are already a risk to not only the city, but also the entirety of the Law Enforcement Office. In the event that an LEO is kidnapped/taken hostage, any and all available officers must make their way to the scene to attempt to recover the hostage(s).
-when the first unit arrives on scene, they are to relay the status of the suspects/hostages, and wait for backup before direct confrontation.
-When additional units have arrived on scene, the unit taking negotiations is to make contact with the suspects, while the reinforcing troopers communicate to neutralize the suspects, while distracted by the negotiator. This should only be attempted if Troopers have a clear shot at the suspects. If one is not available, attempt to talk down the situation until one is presented. Talking down is a preferred method. Only use lethal force if absolutely necessary.
-If the suspects refuse to release the hostage, troopers should attempt to neutralize the targets while doing what they can to save the hostage(s)
Date in Effect: 8/17/21
#6.51 - When EMS is active and available, all Trooper’s MUST give a reasonable attempt to contact EMS whenever there is a downed/dead person on scene. Failing to do so may result in a department strike. If EMS is unavailable, then downed/dead person(s) may be transported by an officer.
#6.52 - When force is used at a scene, Trooper’s must ask a suspect if they are in need of medical attention. If answered yes, the Officers on scene are to either:
Call Paramedics
Do one of the following:
For any gunshot injuries (downed or not) they must be taken to Pillbox.
For taser, Bean-bag or a "love tap" from a vehicle, first-aid can be applied on scene by /do (removes prongs and applies bandage, checks bruised area, etc.) then give them 1 to 2 bandages (they are light and cheap so carry extra.) If ems is available they should still be your first POC