Signature of reviewal, Commissioner: Reece Hayes
Signature of reviewal: Attorney General: Marutio Jones
LAST EDITED - Abril. 27th, 2023
Table of Contents
Section 1.0: Basics
1.1: Rank Structure
1.2: Probationary Period
1.3: Identity Protection
Section 2.0: Equipment
2.1: Uniforms
2.2: Vehicles
2.3: Weapons
Section 3.0: Use of Force
4.1 Lethal Use of Force Procedure
Section 4.0: Medical Attention
4.1 Medical Procedure
Section 5.0: Discipline
5.1 Disciplinary Standard
- Capable officers in the training stages of SWAT, can be activated if needed and regularly get inspected by SWAT commanders and specialists.
S.W.A.T OFFICER: -Trained SWAT officers, no longer in the training phase, can use regular swat equipment and activate upon requirements.
S.W.A.T SPECIALIST: - Fully trained SWAT officer, mastered a specialized role, and can now activate SWAT as well as train, and lead swat teams if necessary on the field. S.W.A.T COMMANDER:
SWAT officers in training enter a probationary period where they will have permission to activate and engage in scenes as swat under supervision. Probationary SWAT officers are required to get on-scene training as well as regular training, including the ability to obtain special one-on-one sessions and follow the SWAT chain of command on activation. Probationary swat can activate with direct permission from a swat specialist or higher.
-------------------------- -Access to SWAT ARMOR provided by a SWAT Specialist or higher.
-Access to advanced equipment for their duty firearms including optics and suppressors.
- Access to all the specialized equipment and special weapons that San Andreas Police has access to in order to support police and civilians and engage suspects as needed.
3.1 - The Use of Force continuum is what all Law Enforcement Officers use to determine how to deal with a situation. The continuum is as follows (The top being the least, the bottom being the most):
- Verbal Commands - SWAT officers may use their voice if they are in range to command a suspect to comply and follow very careful orders in order for the force to be de-escalated. SWAT officers may warn civilians to leave or surrender if within vocal range. If a SWAT officer is disobeyed they may immediately rise to non-lethal force if the suspect isn't clearly armed.
- Hand to Hand - SWAT officers may initially engage in a situation with their body, whether it's tackling or grappling a suspect, in order to detain if the situation calls for it, especially if the situation is indoors and there's very little space to move.
- Non/Less Lethal - SWAT officers may initially engage in a situation with their non-lethal tools If the situation already demands this level of response. This force can also be used If a suspect is ignoring lawful commands. SWAT may use tasers, flashbangs, pepper spray, and other non-lethal devices with the objective being to detain the suspect or stop them from fleeing or resisting arrest.
- Warning Shots - S.W.A.T is authorized to use warning shots on suspects by shooting at areas with the intention to not cause lethal damage to civilians or suspects, if the suspects are out of range of non-lethal, or have already been previously warned to vacate a scene, or surrender to the police.
- Lethal Force - SWAT may use lethal force on any armed suspect based on the SWAT officer's discretion. A suspect is considered armed if they possess a deadly weapon or firearm, including but not limited to vehicles and melee weapons if used in a way that harms or threatens civilians or officers. Any suspect assisting another suspect that a SWAT officer has used lethal force on can be attacked with lethal force.
4.1 - When force is used at a scene, SWAT must prioritize the scene's security first before tending to or treating a suspect or officers if they are in need of medical attention. While doing so SWAT may need to move bodies to a more secure location if it is safe to do so.
Written by S.W.A.T commander Call Sign: Delta-1
Male Female