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Universal Air Traffic Frequency (UATF):
100 Mhz
What is the Universal Frequency used for?
Announcing takeoffs, landings, flight patterns, and coordinating traffic.
Examples of Phraseology;
âLos Santos Traffic, Volatus helicopter taking off rooftop near Bennysâ
âLos Santos Traffic, Volats helicopter landing at a private residence near Observatoryâ
âLos Santos Traffic, Volatus helicopter changing direction north for travel to Sandy Shoresâ
(Rules/Regulations on Next Page):
What are the FAA Regulations?
All aircraft are required to maintain a level of flight according to their aircraft type:
HELICOPTERS: Must maintain a level of flight AT OR ABOVE 100 feet.
AIRPLANES: Must maintain a level of flight AT OR ABOVE 300 feet.
Any change of altitude must SOLELY be for landings or takeoffs in designated landing/takeoff areas.
Police Department Helipads and PRISON are off-limit restricted areas for landings. This will be considered a violation of an FAA-restricted fly-zone.
Ocean Hospital Medevac Helipads are off-limit restricted areas for landings.
Paleto Medivac Helipads are off-limit restricted areas for landings.
Only permitted in the areas marked on the maps below AND/OR: in open fields, OWNED private property.
All landings and takeoffs ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS OR UNOWNED buildings are ILLEGAL.
(Restricted Flight Areas on Next Page):
What are the FAA Rules and Regulations for me flying?
No flight inside these boxes, at any altitude below/above, or on any structures. International borders. For more information on international borders, see U.S Customs & Border Protection.
Emergency Landing Zone - Emergency landing zones are permitted if an emergency is declared. (OR any open field away from roads/buildings).
Normal Landing Zone - Any and all landings are allowed here.
Any landings here are allowed but must be called out on radio VHF 100. Limit of 1 aircraft. No other landing zones are permitted in this area.
No-Fly-Zone - No flight inside these boxes, at any altitude below/above, or on any structures. International borders. For more information on international borders, see U.S Customs & Border Protection.
Emergency Landing Zone - Emergency landing zones are permitted if an emergency is declared. (OR any open field away from roads/buildings).
Normal Landing Zone - Any and all landings are allowed here.
No-Fly-Zone - No flight inside these boxes, at any altitude below/above, or on any structures. International borders. For more information on international borders, see U.S Customs & Border Protection.
Emergency Landing Zone - Emergency landing zones are permitted if an emergency is declared. (OR any open field away from roads/buildings).
Normal Landing Zone - Any and all landings are allowed here.
(FAA Charges on Next Page):
Any landings here are allowed, ACROSS THE STREET but must be called out on radio VHF 100. Limit of 1 aircraft. No other landing zones are permitted in this area.
What happens if I do not follow FAA Rules and/or choose not to use the Frequency?
Police will attempt to contact your aircraft on VHF 100Mhz. Failure to reply may result in warning shots or further escalation:
Police have the right to open CLASS-3 fire on any aircraft violating FAA regulations or airspace so long as there is a credible threat to public safety or a CLEAR violation of a FAA-NO-FLY-ZONE.
11M.14 | (M) Operating a Flightcraft Without Communication | 20 Months | $20,000 | Failure to use UATF frequency whilst in flightcraft.
3F.34A | (F) First-Offense Reckless Operation of Flightcraft | 30 Months | $30,000 | Failure to fly aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations.
3F.34B | (F) Second-Offense Reckless Operation of Flightcraft | 50 Months | $50,000 | Failure to fly aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations.
3F.34C | (F) Third-Offense Reckless Operation of Flightcraft | 100 Months | $175,000 | Failure to fly aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations.
3F.34D | (F) Fourth-Offense Reckless Operation of Flightcraft | 150 Months | $200,000 | Aircraft Removal | Failure to fly aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations.
3F.35 | (F) Malicious Use of An Aircraft | 60 Months | $60,000 | Using an aircraft as an assisting tool for committing a crime.
3F.35A | (F) First-Offense Flying in a Restricted Airspace |70 Months | $70,000 | Failure to abide by restricted airspace.
3F.35B | (F) Second-Offense Flying in a Restricted Airspace | 120 Months | $120,000 | Failure to abide by restricted airspace.
3F.34C | (F) Third-Offense Flying in a Restricted Airspace | 185 Months | $215,000 | Failure to abide by restricted airspace.
3F.34D | (F) Fourth-Offense Reckless Operation of Flightcraft | 235 Months | $325,000 | Aircraft Removal | Failure to abide by restricted airspace.
11M.15 | (M) Improper Parking of an Aircraft | 20 Months | $20,000 | Failure to park/store your aircraft properly and in accordance with FAA regulations.
What happens if I want to report an issue with the FAA?
Please use the ALEXIS filling system to report an issue with the FAA.