H.E.A.T Division SOP’s
Chapter 1
What is H.E.A.T
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Selection Process
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
What is H.E.A.T
H.E.A.T is Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic.
Chapter 2
To reduce the amount of motor vehicle crashes.
Deterrence awareness and education on aggressive driving.
Traffic direction and control duties at crash scenes.
Consistently Keep up with fleeing suspects/pursuits.
To maintain a high level of professionalism while displaying a high degree of leadership in the area of traffic enforcement.
Reduce traffic crashes and fatalities in specific areas identified as high risk within our jurisdiction by providing strict traffic enforcement.
To conduct traffic enforcement and handle all majority of calls for traffic service.
Chapter 3
Selection Process
Selection of eligible candidates will be done by appointed HEAT Supervisors trough training after the initial course submission phase is complete.
Testing will be done on multiple circuits and trials chosen by the H.E.A.T Supervisor issuing the tests.
The tests will be done on a 30 point scale and broken into different categories. Each section will have 10 points each and will lose points for hitting objects, inability to handle speed control or the ability to use comms while at high rates of speed.
First Category will be speed+control of each vehicle.
Second category will be pursuit speed control and communications.
Third category will be initiative and teamwork while handling the excessive pursuit speeds.
The expected time benchmarks per course are adjusted to record times obtained by HEAT members, there must be clear evidence that you are able to safely operate the vehicles in two consecutive laps per circuit.
Next performance based testing will be measured by H.E.A.T Supervisors ONLY through dashcam footage, ride alongs, and mock pursuits.
Chapter 4
Vehicles and Usage
There are three vehicles afforded to those who are H.E.A.T Certified. Those vehicles are the Mustang, Challenger, and Corvette.
At any given time the vehicles are limited to one of each, with three interceptor units max.
These vehicles cannot be used without support from a four door unit. At minimum `TWO` transport must be available `PER` heat car. You CAN’T transport any suspects in these vehicles and must call for a transport when you have any suspects detained/arrested/injured.
Before taking any H.E.A.T vehicles out of the garage you MUST check over the radio or the #Interceptor-log channel if one is already in use. As stated above only one of each vehicle is permitted out at a one time.
Avoid displaying specialized HEAT vehicles unnecessarily when on task, an operator should always conceal the vehicle until a chase begins, or if actively enforcing roadspeeds.
Assess the situation if an active chase is about to/happening and decide on the proper formation of units involved. (Ex. Primary/Secondary unit designation.)
Probationary/Cadet Ride Alongs are not permitted in a H.E.A.T vehicle, neither are K-9 dogs due to safety/incorrect training, exemption is if they simply need a transport service.
Command/Supervisors have priority for a HEAT vehicle, including the preference of the specific vehicle requested for said unit.
During training, selected candidates can take an interceptor out after reporting the current situation on the ground and getting permission from a H.E.A.T supervisor or higher.
If no heat qualified units are available, any police command member can use a singular heat vehicle until a trained H.E.A.T officer is able to fulfill their duty.
Chapter 5
The H.E.A.T Unit will have its own set of strikes for SOP breaks. If the violation breaks the H.E.A.T Division SOP’s and main BCSO SOP’s it’s possible that you receive a strike for both. If you receive 2 strikes within the H.E.A.T Division you will be removed as H.E.A.T is held to a higher standard.
-Ex Sheriff Fuzzy Johnson
-Chief Samuel Gillick -Sheriff Lance Chaser