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Los Santos City Police Department
Standard Operating Procedures
The City of Los Santos Police Department
Signature of reviewal, Commissioner of police:
Reece Hayes & Lance Chaser & Conan Clarkson
Signature of reviewal: Chief of Police:
Samuel Gillick
Chapter 1 - About the Los Santos City Police Department.
100 - Mission Statement
101 - Code of Ethics
102 - Core Values
103 - Expectations and Responsibilities
Chapter 2 - Organization and Administration
200 - Organisational Structure and Responsibility
201 - Specialist Subdivisions
202 - Training
Chapter 3 - General Operations
300 - Use of Force
301 - Departmental Use of Social Media
302 - Arresting and Charging
303 - Downtown Cab Co. Agreement
304 - Searches
305 - Code Red, Orange, Blue & Green
Chapter 4 - Patrol Operations
400 - Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
401 - Vehicle Usage
402 - Radio
403 - Hostage and Barricade Situations
404 - Obtaining Air Support
405 - Crowd Control
406 - Robbery Situations
407 - Vehicle Impound Policy
Chapter 5 - Traffic Operations
500 - Traffic Stops
501 - Felony Stops
502 - Responding to calls
503 - Pursuit Protocol and Tactics
504 - Los Santos City Police Department Driving Licence
Chapter 6 - Personnel
600 - Promotions
601 - Complaints Against Personnel and Disciplinary Action
Chapter 7 - Warrants/Search and Seizure
700 - Warrant Application Process
701 - Warrant Execution
Chapter 8 - Off-Duty Conduct
Global Roster
Chapter 1 - About the Los Santos City Police Department
100.1 Los Santos City Police Department MISSION STATEMENT
The mission of the Los Santos City Police Department outlines the specific ways each employee will work to achieve the vision of the department for the state, its residents, and its visitors.
“We will serve as guardians of our community to preserve life, maintain human rights, protect property, and promote individual responsibility and community commitment.”
Upholding the vision of the department can only be achieved by using the mission statement to guide all work and strategies while focusing on dedicated commitment and solidarity of purpose in department activities and community involvement.
The Los Santos City Police Department has a commitment to:
Provide high-quality, community-oriented policing services with sensitivity.
Protecting the rights of all individuals.
Teamwork in both the department and the community.
Long term planning and forward thinking.
Community policing principles.
Interpersonal and communication skills.
Bias awareness.
Situational decision making.
Crisis intervention, procedural justice and impartial policing.
The principles of leadership for the Los Santos City Police Department are to:
Believe in, foster, and support teamwork.
Be committed to the problem-solving process; let facts, not emotions, drive decisions.
Where appropriate, seek employees’ input before making key decisions.
Believe that the best way to improve the quality of work is to ask and listen to employees.
Strive to develop mutual respect and trust with employees.
Manage the behaviour of most employees, not on the few who cause problems.
Develop an open atmosphere that encourages both providing & accepting feedback.
Develop agreed upon goals and plans, and achieve them with employees.
Promote individualism and to recognize where each individual employee excels.
Recognize great performance and action taken by employees to promote an understanding and positive environment.
All law enforcement officers must be fully aware of the ethical responsibilities of their position and must strive constantly to live up to the highest possible standards of professional policing.
101.1 Performance of the Duties of a Police officer(s)
A police officer(s) shall perform all duties impartially, without favor or affection or ill will, and without regard to status, sex, race, religion, political belief, or aspiration. All citizens will be treated equally with courtesy, consideration, and dignity.
officers will never allow personal feelings, animosities, or friendships to influence official conduct. Laws will be enforced appropriately and courteously and, in carrying out their responsibilities, officers will strive to obtain maximum cooperation from the public. They will conduct themselves in such a manner as to inspire confidence and respect for the position of public trust they hold.
It is the right of any citizen to request your badge number at any time. This is the only information that can lawfully be requested from an officer(s) and it must be given. No other information, including name, has to be given at any time.
101.2 Discretion
An officer(s) will use the discretion vested in their position and exercise it within the law. The principle of reasonableness will guide the officer(s)’s determinations and the officer(s) will consider all surrounding circumstances in determining whether any legal action shall be taken.
Consistent and wise use of discretion, based on professional policing competence, will do much to preserve good relationships and retain the confidence of the public. There can be difficulty in choosing between conflicting courses of action. It is important to remember that a timely word of advice rather than arrest - which may be correct in appropriate circumstances - can be a more effective means of achieving a desired end.
101.3 Use of Force
As a police officer(s), you are protected within law to use appropriate and justifiable levels of force to gain control over a non-compliant subject. Theoretically, there are no set boundaries stating what levels of force an officer(s) may use, so long as the officer(s) can justify why they used the level of force they did then legally there are no issues. Use of force is logical as usually it is quite clear as to what is proportionate to the threat faced.
101.4 Confidentiality
Whatever a police officer(s) sees, hears, or learns, which is of a confidential nature, will be kept secret unless the performance of duty or legal provision requires otherwise.
Members of the public have a right to security and privacy, and information obtained about them must not be improperly divulged.
101.5 Integrity
A police officer(s) will not engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will an officer(s) condone such acts by other police officers.
The public expects that the integrity of police officers to be above reproach. Police officers must, therefore, avoid any conduct that might compromise integrity and thus undermine the public’s confidence in the Los Santos City Police Department. officers will refuse to accept any gifts, presents, subscriptions, favours, gratuities, or promises that could be interpreted as seeking to cause the officer(s) to refrain from performing official duties.
Our integrity also represents how we present ourselves while on duty. No facial or demeaning/inappropriate tattoos shall be allowed and obtaining one then clocking in will result in dismissal with no warning.
Respect - A commitment to treating the community and individuals within it with a level of decency regardless of gender, ethnicity, creed, age.
Integrity - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles whilst conducting your duties. To appreciate and not take advantage of the level of trust and responsibility you hold within the community in your role.
Professionalism - To carry out your duties to the best of your ability whilst remaining impartially and without prejudice towards any individual, regardless of situational factors or personal sentiments.
Chapter 2 - Organisation and Administration
The organisational structure of the department is designed to create an efficient means to accomplish its mission and goals and to provide for the best possible service to the public.
The ranking structure of the Los Santos City Police Department is as follows:
The Chief oversees all operations of the department. The Chief commonly meets with Command Staff and Supervisors and discusses additions and possible changes to ensure the longevity of the department in the communal interest.
Deputy Chief
The deputy Chief keeps the Chief informed of all operational activities on a day-to-day basis. The officer(s) deputy chief directs the activities of either the administrative or the operational side of the department. They oversee command staff operations and help the Assistant Chief along with the other Command Staff in making decisions based on the collective communal interest.
Captain is the highest rank that oversees large patrols and can act as a watch commander. They report to the command staff about the progress of any and all supervisors, patrol units, department policy, and much more. Most things brought to them by Lieutenants are handled by the captain and the Lieutenants unless they deem it necessary to work up the chain of command. They also act as a liaison to other departments, such as the Emergency Medical Service, for smaller topics.
Lieutenants oversee all sergeants and occasionally will do checks on all the patrol units standard operating procedures. Lieutenants help the command staff by giving input on big department policy changes. Lieutenants supervise the whole sergeant team and report to their superior about the other sergeants. Lieutenants will oversee FTO picks as well as suggest sergeants from the ranks. Lieutenants will also be overseeing all applications that come into the department to ensure they are done in a quick and reasonable time frame.
The Sergeant is the first supervisory rank of the department. They coach officers on how to handle situations and are the first official rank on the chain of command. They are in-game supervisors, take scene command and assign units certain duties or beats. They will conduct a briefing daily before they begin their shift to ensure all BOLO’s and Warrants are up to date and accurate. Sergeants will provide FTO recommendations from the officers.
The Corporal(s) are responsible for overseeing, organising, training and directing the activity of assigned personnel and equipment as instructed by the Sergeant +.
Senior Officer(s)
The Senior officer(s) is an officer(s) that has shown extremely exemplary performance within the department.
Officer(s) is a transitioning rank, it is in place to smooth the transition from Probationary officer(s) to an independent officer(s). An officer(s) is given the ability to patrol on their own and independently but only when someone else of at least officer(s) I rank is also on duty. This allows them the ability to gain some confidence by patrolling and interacting with the public independently but also gives them the reassurance of another experienced officer(s) being available should they need assistance or to consult someone over a matter.
Probationary Officer(s)
The first step in the career ladder with the Los Santos City Police Department (LSPD) is Probationary officer(s). It is the entry-level classification given to all Los Santos City Police Department officers upon joining the force. They must always be with an officer(s) or above when on duty.
The inclusion of multiple subdivisions within the Los Santos City Police Department is designed to create an efficient means to accomplish its mission and goals and to provide for the best possible service to the public.
The subdivisions that are included within the Los Santos City Police Department are as follows:
Air -1
The Air Support Unit is equipped with a state of the art little bird which replaced the Maverick.
“Eagle”, as the department has named her, is equipped with a high definition camera which allows the Pilot and Police Air Observer to observe suspects, geographical areas and events from a great height and distance. Along with the normal camera and a Night Vision/FLIR camera, “Eagle” is also equipped with tracking devices, rappel mounts and ropes and various other vital equipment.
Officers who operate with our favourite four legged friends, K9 units are a combo of officers and trained dogs that can perform all sorts of everyday tasks to provide assistance to the public. They can sniff out and track dangerous weapons/narcotics/people in all sorts of varying situations.
Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T)
The S.W.A.T. unit is a group of highly trained officers who are ready for any situation who serve directly under the direction of any law enforcement officer who needs extra assistance. They are trained to very high standards and equipped with various weapons, devices and vehicles to help get the job done, while also being taught that their voice is their most powerful weapon, this group of individuals is also taught that their second most powerful weapon is their rifle.
Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic (H.E.A.T)
The Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic division, or H.E.A.T, is a group of the best overall drivers in the Chief's office, this division is here to ensure that those with the right skills are behind our Speed Enforcement vehicles (Ford Mustang, Dodge Challenger, and the Corvette Stingray) This division is specifically for those who can handle high speed pursuits while maintaining a safe environment for the general public.
San Andreas Detective Bureau (SADB)
Officers that will research crime, develop cases, investigate crime scenes, and provide general intelligence to the police department for all crime ongoing in San Andreas.
It is the policy of the department to administer a training program that will provide for the professional growth and continued development of its personnel. By doing so, the department will ensure its personnel possess the knowledge and skills necessary to provide a professional level of service that meets the needs of the community.
The objectives of the Training Program are to:
Provide all participants with the foundation and advanced knowledge required to conduct their duties as a Chief officer(s).
Teach all participants the practical skills necessary to effectively conduct themselves as a Chief officer(s).
Increase the technical expertise and overall effectiveness of department personnel.
Provide a base and solid grounding which sets up participants beyond the Training Program to continue their personal and professional development.
All employees assigned to attend training shall attend an academy training unless previously excused by the relevant Field Training officer(s). All Probationary officers are expected to pass training within a reasonable time frame.
If any employee, particularly Probationary officers, needs any assistance. They can talk to any of the appointed Field Training officers, Senior officers or Supervisors.
202.4 Academy
All Probationary officers will undergo a training academy where the FTO’s will instruct and train in a group setting. All Probationary officers will receive the same training and scrutiny, so it is up to them to ensure they learn everything possible. Upon completion of the Academy or the relevant training thereof in the city, Probationary officers will graduate into officers and be allowed to go out on the street under the Los Santos City Police Department.
Chapter 3 - General Operations
This policy provides guidelines on the reasonable use of force. While there is no way to specify the exact amount or type of reasonable force to be applied in any situation, every member of this department is expected to use these guidelines to make such decisions in a professional, impartial and reasonable manner.
Definitions related to this policy include:
Deadly force - Force reasonably anticipated and intended to create a substantial likelihood of causing death or serious bodily injury.
Force - The application of physical techniques or tactics, chemical agents, or weapons to another person. It is not a use of force when a person allows him/herself to be searched, escorted, handcuffed or restrained.
Objectively Reasonable Force - That level of force which is deemed appropriate when analysed from the perspective of another officer(s) faced with the same set of facts and circumstances as the officer(s) who utilised the force. The objective reasonableness of a particular use of force is not analysed in hindsight but will take into account the fact that officers must make rapid decisions regarding the amount of force to use in tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving situations.
Serious Bodily Injury - Bodily injury that creates or causes serious permanent disfigurement, protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ, or creates a substantial risk of death.
300.3 POLICY
The use of force by law enforcement personnel is a matter of critical concern, both to the public and to the law enforcement community. officers are involved daily in numerous and varied interactions and, when warranted, may use reasonable force in carrying out their duties.
officers must understand, and have true appreciation for, their authority and limitations. This is especially true with respect to overcoming resistance while engaged in the performance of law enforcement duties.
The Department recognizes and respects the value of all human life and dignity without prejudice to anyone. Vesting officers with the authority to use reasonable force and to protect the public welfare requires monitoring, evaluation and a careful balancing of all interests.
As a police officer(s) you will encounter violent, dangerous and unpredictable people in the course of your duties. There are strict standards concerning the levels of force you may use and they are dependent on the level of threat that you are confronted with. The following training/document is purely guidance and advice for what to do in certain situations, ultimately you must be able to justify any use of force that you use. The force that you use in any given situation must be proportional to the threat and not excessive.
When confronting an individual who presents a threat of violence or aggression your most powerful tool is your voice and ability to talk and reason with the individual. The aim in all situations is to use as little force as required to bring the individual into custody, in an ideal scenario the individual would surrender themselves without the need for any use of force.
300.4.0 Unarmed Person
Whilst an unarmed person does not provide the highest grade of a threat, that in turn does not make them harmless. An unarmed person can be just as lethal as a firearm given the right circumstances and mindset. When confronting an unarmed person your voice will be your most powerful tool. Unless the circumstances dictate otherwise (reasonable grounds to assume they may be carrying a firearm, wanted for a felony etc) then non-lethal options should be utilised in the confrontation of the person and if the person becomes violent/uncooperative. Give the individual space to roam and move if they wish, closing in on them puts on pressure which may result in them becoming aggravated. Take your time, talk with the individual and try to convince them into surrendering. There is no need to try and end this situation as soon as possible if there is no immediate threat towards the general public or yourself. Eventually if the person maintains an uncooperative nature and attitude then some level of force may be required.
300.4.1 Armed Person - Non-Firearm
Someone who is armed doesn’t necessarily always have to have a firearm. Being armed just means the individual possesses a weapon of some sort, non-firearm weapons could include things such as a knife, baseball bat, hammer etc. These could be categorised as potentially lethal weapons. When confronted by weapons like this you should draw your firearm, lethal weapons should be met by lethal uses of force. Unless the individual advances upon yourself or starts to approach/get too close to a MOP then you should maintain distance and, as you would with an unarmed person, try to promote dialog and talk to the individual. Try to reason with them and convince them to surrender. If there is more than one officer(s) on scene then someone switching to non-lethal can be discussed/suggested. Again, do not put unnecessary pressure on the individual unless someone’s life or well-being is in immediate danger or the situation is making no progress towards a safe conclusion.
300.4.2 Armed - Firearm
An individual armed with a firearm is the most dangerous person you can be confronted by. The range of their threat is massive. When arriving on the scene of a person with a gun you should not leave cover, whether this be your vehicle, a dumpster, a wall i.e. something solid. Just like with the previous levels of threat, your voice is the most powerful tool. Even if someone has a firearm drawn and is walking down the street then unless the general public or officers are being put in immediate danger then they should not be shot. Try to converse with them, using lethal force as a last resort. If at any point the firearm begins to be used, displayed or motioned in an aggressive manner or as if it is about to be imminently used then lethal force would be appropriate.
In all situations you must weigh the evidence you have, the behaviour of the person, your surroundings etc. and make a decision. For example, a male with a firearm at Legion Square would be treated differently to a male with a firearm in the middle of Sandy Shores desert. A male at Legion Square would be allowed far less freedom to roam and move around compared to someone in the open with no one around. Ultimately the level of force you use is down to you, it must be justifiable and reasonable for the threat posed. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action or at an extreme lead to criminal charges.
300.4.3 Non-lethal Taser specifics: In general guidelines, Tasing is `authorised` on any of the following scenarios:
- Resisting/Evading Suspects inside vehicles.
- Resisting/Evading Suspects that are actively trying to get into a vehicle to flee.
- Resisting/Evading Suspects that are armed/brandishing any weapon but are not code red. (Ideally we give them a - chance to disarm first before tasing)
- Resisting/Evading Suspects that are using/used items to go faster.
- Suspects about to commit/committed assault on others with melee, vehicles, or tackling.
300.5 FACTORS USED TO DETERMINE THE REASONABLENESS OF FORCE When determining whether to apply force and evaluating whether an officer has used reasonable force, several factors should be taken into consideration, as time and circumstances permit. These factors include, but are not limited to:
(a) Immediacy and severity of the threat to officers or others.
(b) The conduct of the individual being confronted, as reasonably perceived by the officer at the time.
(c) The effects of drugs or alcohol.
(d) Proximity of weapons or dangerous improvised devices.
(e) The degree to which the subject has been effectively restrained and his/her ability to resist despite being restrained.
(f) The availability of other options and their possible effectiveness.
(g) Seriousness of the suspected offence or reason for contact with the individual.
(h) Potential for injury to officers, suspects and others.
(i) Whether the person appears to be resisting, attempting to evade arrest by flight or is attacking the officer.
(j) The risk and reasonably foreseeable consequences of escape.
(k) The need for immediate control of the subject or prompt resolution.
(l) Whether the conduct of the individual being confronted no longer reasonably appears to pose an imminent threat to the officer(s) or others.
(m) Prior contacts with the subject or awareness of any propensity for violence.
(n) Any other exigent circumstances
Discharging a firearm at a moving vehicle is generally prohibited. An officer(s) should only discharge a firearm at a moving vehicle or its occupants when:
(a) The officer(s) reasonably believes there are no other reasonable means available to avert the threat of the vehicle, and the vehicle is being used in a manner to immediately threaten the officer(s) or another person with death or serious bodily injury; or
(b) A person in the vehicle is threatening the officer(s) or another person with deadly force by means other than the vehicle.
officers shall not discharge a firearm from a moving vehicle unless a person is immediately threatening the officer(s) or another person with deadly force other than the vehicle. Example: Firing a lethal weapon out of the vehicle.
Warning shots are to be used in the case that an officer has been singled out by multiple armed individuals with non firearms AND cannot reasonably escape from the situation: - officers shall tell the individual to “Freeze” or another form of legal command to stop the aggressor. - officers after providing the VERBAL command, if the aggressor keeps coming towards you, you shall yell “Charge” which means you have now chambered a round into your firearm - IF the threat STILL continues to come at you, you will discharge a round into the ground somewhere away from the individual - IF the threat is STILL continuing to come at you, you are now authorised to neutralise the threat.
The Internal Affairs Lead, or their designee, will prepare analysis reports on the use of force incidents. The reports will be submitted to the Chief. The reports should not contain the names of officers, suspects or case numbers, and should include:
(a) The identification of any trends in the use of force by members (i.e., date and time of incidents; types of encounters resulting in the use of force; trends or patterns related to race, age, and gender of subjects involved; and trends or patterns resulting in injury to any person including employees).
(b) Training needs recommendations.
(c) Equipment needs recommendations.
(d) Policy revision recommendations.
As an officer(s) in the Los Santos City Police Department, you will have access to the official Los Santos City Police Department Twitter account.
When using the Los Santos City Police Department Twitter handle, officers should always ensure that any information they post is correct, free from any grammatical or spelling errors (to the best of their ability) and is not sensitive or confidential.
This account should be used for things such as:
Announcing road closures.
Informing the public of ongoing major incidents.
Appealing for witnesses or information after an incident.
Communicating with the public when appropriate.
Light-hearted and humorous messages. These can be posted as we are human after all and we must try to make sure the public remembers this. However, officers must ensure that anything posted is appropriate and doesn’t go too far.
The account should not be used for:
Announcing or informing people of active warrants.
Releasing anyone’s personal details.
Personal matters.
Police officers should never use their personal Twitter accounts to conduct any police business. Exceptions to this may be given when conducting undercover operations and those undercover are required to use a ‘normal’ Twitter account, this exception can only be granted by someone of rank Lieutenant and above.
If an individual has any questions or queries regarding Social Media usage, they should seek guidance from a Supervisor or above.
The definitions are as follows:
Detainment: The temporary detention of a person for questioning with reasonable suspicion. Detaining an individual does not give you the right to conduct a search, unless provided with probable cause or uncoerced permission.
Arrest: The formal charging of someone with a crime involving the seizure of assets, detainment, and processing of said individual.
302.2 POLICY
In accordance with the Criminal Charge list, charges will be fair and just. Failure to accurately deliver correct charges, or laddering charges may result in disciplinary actions taken upon yourself.
We at the Los Santos City Police Department must work closely with the LS Legal Department, and provide a cordial, professional relationship with them. They are the check to our balance. To ensure utter professionalism, the arresting officer(s) must be the one to talk with and assist the lawyer find a reasonable and just punishment based on the crime and evidence provided.
The Los Santos City Police Department strives to ensure that our arresting, charging and sentencing is fair and just and for this to happen a suspect may request legal representation. As a person’s Miranda Rights state, they have the right to an attorney. If a suspect requests a lawyer then you must make an attempt to have one provided for them by announcing through the Los Santos City Police Department Twitter. The first step is to clarify whether they wish a free public defender or if they will pay for a higher-grade attorney.
If one is available, then they will notify you through using the 911 call line so ensure you keep an eye for a message informing you. You must wait a minimum of 5 minutes from the point of the request of a lawyer, beyond this you may proceed at your own discretion. If you receive multiple responses, then you must ask the prisoner who they would like to represent them.
If a lawyer does make contact then you must ensure that the arresting officer(s), or if that is not possible for whatever reason, an officer(s) with all the details is at the station to go through the process with them. Failing to do this can result in misinformation being given and the whole process being slowed down. Here is a template of the process that should be followed when dealing with lawyers.
You should wait a reasonable amount of time for the lawyer(s) to arrive, if time is getting on and there is no sign then you should attempt to make contact either via phone or by another Los Santos City Police Department Twitter announcement. If you do not receive a response or, if after receiving a response time continues to tick by, then you may proceed with the processing. There is no set time period for this to occur, but it must be reasonable.
When lawyers do arrive at the station there are several procedures you must complete before going on further;
Identification - You must ID the individual(s) who arrive and claim to be from the Los Santos Legal Department. This is firstly simply so we’re aware of who is having contact with the prisoners. Remember, they are in a secure police building. Secondly, people have and will try to impersonate attorneys to gain either access to the police building or the prisoners we have inside. Ensure you check that the person’s job is a lawyer. If not, they must be refused entry.
Search - Every unauthorised individual (i.e. non-police employees) and their possessions who are being granted temporary access to sensitive areas of the police station must be searched to ensure they are not taking any prohibited items into these areas. This includes but is not limited to; weapons, drugs (legal & illegal) or any other item that a prisoner should not potentially gain access to. Generally, it is best practice to remove all items from lawyers other than legal documents for our safety, their safety and the safety of the prisoner. Do not actually confiscate these items, just temporarily remove them. These items will be held in the secure armoury until they leave.
Once the arrival procedure has been completed you can move onto the purpose of the lawyer’s visit. First step is to give them the details of the arrest. From the initial 911 call or point of contact all the way to the point you are speaking with the representation. At the end of this report you should outline the intended charges to be pressed and the times and fine that will accompany them. At which point the lawyers will clarify any details or sections they’ve not understood and will then proceed to go and speak to their client.
The meeting of the lawyer and their client should occur in one of the secure interview rooms. When a prisoner is out of their cell, it is advisable for them to be handcuffed at all times, however, this is at your discretion. Once in the interview room you, and any other officers, should move out of earshot so as not to breach attorney-client privilege. However, it is good practice to position yourself within line of sight into the room so that in the event of an incident occurring you will be in a position to see it and intervene.
Once they have discussed things with their client, they will return to you to either accept the charges, negotiate the times & fines, or reject certain charges outright. This is where you must try and tame your policing instincts and be able to listen and be open to negotiations. A motto to follow is; be open to negotiations but not a pushover. Ultimately the final time and fine decision falls to us, however, do not abuse this fact. We should be open to negotiations. Things you should take into consideration when negotiating is whether violence has been shown, an attempt to flee, cooperation levels once in police custody and in certain cases any intelligence that the prisoner may provide to us. If a negotiation or deal cannot be reached, then contact the first level of Supervisor available and have them attend the station. Again, if no agreement can be reached then continue up the chain of command.
As a base of respect for the legal department, we at the Los Santos City Police Department offer a reduction of time based on the representation the suspect receives.
Managing Partners
10% of reduction every 10 mins (Max 30%)
Senior Partners
10% of reduction every 10 mins (Max 30%)
Associate Attorney
10% of reduction every 10 mins (Max 30%)
Private Defender
8% of reduction every 10 mins (Max 30%)
Public Defender
5% of reduction every 10 mins (Max 30%)
This is the mandatory base reduction of time the suspect may receive. Any further reduction will be on the negotiations and evidence provided to the attorney to further prove guilt or innocence.
Once an agreement has been reached the lawyers will inform their client and then be accompanied by the officer(s) out of the building. On their way out they shall collect their belongings, ID and hand back their temporary pass.
Thank them for their time and return to your prisoner and get them processed.
Remember to always be respectful, polite and work with the lawyers as best you can at all times. They are not an opponent or foe, they’re simply there carrying out a job on behalf of the prisoner.
- Before you send a suspect off to the corrections department, notify them on radio 10 so they are aware.
Attempted Murder shall be charged as each individual person injured and/or each distinguishable target by the suspect being prosecuted. Groups shall be considered as 1 count of Attempted Murder unless the condition(s) of the previous statement are met.
Policy 303
As part of an agreement with Downtown Cab Co. when an individual who is a registered driver with them is arrested and charged with a driving offence(s) they shall also have their taxi licence revoked by us on the firm’s behalf alongside their driving licence. This is only applicable to driving offences which result in the individual coming into police custody.
Due to this being an external agreement with a private firm this is non-negotiable and cannot be included in any discussions with lawyers. If you are unsure about a particular case, then contact a Supervisor for clarification.
Both the federal and state Constitutions provide every individual with the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. This policy provides general guidelines for Los Santos City Police Department personnel to consider when dealing with search and seizure issues.
The reasonableness of a search is justified by the rationale leading to it, not the resulting seizure of incriminating property. A search cannot be based on a hunch or arbitrary judgement. Every step leading to a search must follow a logical progression, built upon a legal basis.
To search in locations where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy you need to have a warrant. Examples of items and areas in which the courts have ruled that individuals do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy include:
Plain View - There is no expectation of privacy in an object that is plain view to others from an area where the officer(s) has a right to be. When a police officer(s) sees an object in "plain view" and its value as contraband or evidence is readily apparent, the officer(s) may seize it.
Search by Non-Governmental Persons - Property seized by private persons, in a manner that would otherwise be illegal if seized by a government agent, does not violate the Constitution and may be provided to an officer(s) for use in a criminal investigation. However, an officer(s) may not use a private person as an "agent" to search if the officer(s) would not otherwise be authorised to conduct the search.
Visual Aids or Heat Sensing Equipment - The use of flashlights, photo surveillance, or heat sensing equipment to view or measure property that is otherwise open to public view is not considered a search, as it simply enhances the officer(s)'s senses.
The U.S. Constitution generally provides that a valid warrant is required for a lawful search. There are, however, several exceptions that permit a warrantless search. Examples of law enforcement activities that are exceptions to the general warrant requirement include, but are not limited to, searches pursuant to the following:
Valid consent
The validity of the consent depends on the consent being given voluntarily. The courts determine the voluntariness of the consent based upon the totality of the circumstances. Some of the factors courts have considered in determining whether consent is voluntary include:
Knowledge of the right to refuse consent;
The consenting individual's experience with police procedures;
The number of police officers present;
Any threat of consequences if consent is not given;
Circumstances indicating use of force; and
The age of the individual.
Incident to lawful arrest
A search incident to lawful arrest is permissible in the following situations:
After a full custodial arrest and prior to transport, or
After an arrest, even when a person is to be released, if the officer(s) has reason to believe there is a need to search for evidence related to the offence for which the person has been charged.
An officer(s) has the authority to conduct a full search of the person of an arrestee following a full custodial arrest and prior to transport. The search incident to arrest of an arrestee who will be field released is limited to a search for evidence related to the offence with which the person is charged if the officer(s) has reason to believe such evidence will be discovered. For example, a person arrested for shoplifting may be searched for additional stolen merchandise.
Emergency Search of a Person
Various courts have allowed warrantless searches of persons when those searches are in response to emergency situations concerning an injured or unconscious person requiring aid. The scope of an emergency search of a person is limited to the extent necessary to effectuate the purpose. There is a need to intrude upon the privacy interests of that person for one or more of the following reasons:
Identification of the person in order to contact relatives or friends;
Determination of the need for specific medication (e.g., medical bracelet, necklace, card) or evidence of medication, etc.; and
Discovery of the nature of the injury or problem by examination.
Exigent circumstances
Police may conduct an immediate, warrantless search or seizure under emergency conditions, if there is probable cause to believe that delay in getting a warrant would result in the loss of evidence, the escape of the suspect, or harm to the police or public.
officers are allowed to enter a home when a suspect retreats into the home or private area and there is reasonable fear of escape, destruction of evidence, or injury to the police or public.
When considering the exigent circumstances, examine:
Is the offence serious or one of violent nature?
Is the suspect armed?
Is the probable cause strong enough to believe the suspect committed the crime?
Is there probable cause to believe the suspect was in the premises?
Did the police identify themselves and give the suspect a chance to surrender prior to entry?
Was there an ongoing investigation or decision to arrest prior to the suspect fleeing into the premises?
A search of a person’s residence without a warrant is presumed to be unreasonable. officers must be very careful about entering a home without a warrant and must be prepared to justify any entrance to a residence based on an exception to the warrant requirement.
Consent Search of a Residence
The extent of the search is limited by the consent given. The subject can stop the search at any time or restrict the breadth of the search at any time.
The extent of the search is limited to the area over which the consenting party has apparent authority. If more than one person has apparent authority to consent and at least one declines consent, officers may not rely on consent of the other.
Joint occupants - spouses, partners, roommates - may consent to the search of shared areas, as well as areas under their own control. They may not consent to search for areas under the exclusive control of the other.
A host may consent to the search of premises occupied by a guest or visitor, but not to the search of a guest's personal property. A visitor/guest may not consent to the search of the host's premises.
Mere permission to enter is not consent to search. It does establish lawful presence and therefore allows an officer(s) to seize items immediately apparent as evidence in plain view. The consent to search one area does not allow search of other areas. The person may withdraw the consent to search at any time. At such time the search must be stopped.
Public Safety or Emergency Search of a Residence
This exception to the warrant requirement generally relates to situations in which it appears that a person may be hurt or in need of immediate assistance. Examples include welfare checks and domestic violence situations where the crime is ongoing.
This exception is based upon an immediate need to provide protection or aid, not on the need for investigation or the seriousness of an offence. Specifically, officers must have reasonable grounds to believe there is an immediate need to protect the life or safety of themselves or others to enter a property. Once on the property, the officer(s) must limit the search to areas where it would be reasonable, considering the nature of the emergency, to locate the person or thing and carry out the purpose of the entry.
Hot Pursuit Search of a Residence
Although an officer(s) need not be in sight of the fleeing suspect, the officer(s) must be in active pursuit of the fleeing suspect. Case law has determined that delay to wait for additional units and to plan an apprehension may remove the “hot pursuit” aspect and require a warrant. The search is limited to those areas in which the person may be hiding.
Search of a Residence Incident to Arrest
This warrant exception may apply if the officer(s) is in the home lawfully and the arrest of the person is lawful. The officer(s) may search areas under the immediate control (or “wingspan”) of the arrestee if there is reason to believe there will be evidence of the crime of arrest or that a danger to the officer(s) is present.
Consent Searches
As in all consent searches, the issue of voluntariness must be addressed. The owner or a person with apparent authority over the vehicle may consent to its search. The subject can stop the search at any time or restrict the breadth of the search at any time.
Search of Vehicles Incident to Arrest
Case law has determined that if an officer is making an arrest and the arrestee is handcuffed and secure, there is no basis for searching the arrestee's vehicle for officers safety purposes. Officers may still search the passenger compartment of a vehicle incident to arrest if it is reasonable to believe that the vehicle contains evidence of the offence of arrest.
Probable Cause
An officer may search a vehicle if there is probable cause to believe there is contraband or evidence in the vehicle, and the vehicle is readily mobile. Some examples of evidence that may lead to probable cause include, but are not limited to:
A canine alerts on the vehicle;
An officer smells the odour of fresh or presently burning marijuana coming from the vehicle;
An officer sees contraband, narcotics, or paraphernalia in plain view in the vehicle; and
The arrestee makes statements about evidence or contraband in the vehicle.
The scope of a vehicle search is the same as would be authorised by a search warrant. The search shall be limited by the object of the search, and may include the passenger compartment, trunk, and all containers belonging to the driver or passenger(s) within the vehicle.
Miscellaneous Vehicle Searches
If lawful authority for a search is present, officers will keep the following in mind:
Search for Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - An officer may move items on the dashboard of a vehicle that are blocking the view of the public VIN from the outside of the vehicle if investigating an offence related to the ownership of the vehicle. This VIN is normally visible through the windshield. When checking the registration of a vehicle, the officer may compare the VIN on the registration with the VIN on the vehicle.
The VIN on a motorcycle is usually located on the front left strut. This can be used to identify ownership of a motorcycle. The officer(s) may also compare the VIN on the registration with the VIN on the motorcycle.
Abandoned Vehicle - If a vehicle is truly abandoned, there is no need for a search warrant or as an exception to the warrant requirement, there would be no reasonable expectation of privacy in the vehicle.
305 - Code Red, Orange, Blue & Green
Code Green (non-violent Evading
Follow behind the suspect safely
Boxing/Blocking methods may be used
Spike strips may be used when Authorised by a Supervisor
Code Orange (Declared by Senior Officer +)
If a suspect is driving recklessly, speeding over (120mps) or the chase has lasted more than 5 minutes, this is the pursuit code to be used. Must wait 2 minutes to declare unless it's extremely severe.
Controlled ramming and puts are Authorised under speeds of 90MPH.
Roadblocks may be used, spikes can be placed ONLY on one side of the road, the other side of the road you can block using your vehicle.
If suspect(s) flee from a crime where victims are/were injured, pursuit begins at this level.
Code Blue (Declared by Corporal +)
Criminal AIRCRAFT usage and NOS is automatic code blue.
Grappler and spike strips are to be used aggressively initially on code blue, do not shoot tires before a command is given to do so by CPL+
Vehicles that endanger officer and civilian lives can be code blue. (EX ramming/pitting officers mid pursuit/deadly vehicle force on civilians or police.)
Lethal force is Authorised on the vehicle in order for it to stop, NOT THE OCCUPANTS. Shooting tires or pitting with the intent to pin or immobilise the vehicle. This is to be used on suspects with dangerous vehicles and vehicle operators who do not follow the vehicles capabilities (EX Offroad in a supercar/race car) or have complete disregard for life (EX. Jumps that risk the vehicle’s operability or the people inside it)
Authorised to Disable tires.
Authorised to immobilise the vehicle at lower speeds (90MPH)
Code Red (Declared by sergeant + IF suspects have not attacked officers or civilians with lethal force.)
The suspect has fired at police/civilians (not locals), killed anyone, has attempted to kill someone (running PD over)
Lethal force is only authorised if suspects inside have fired a firearm at someone
Tried to run someone over, and/or is a clear danger to the public, or officers. -
Suspects evade into the ocean with no nearby landmass in sight. The following methods can be used in a Code Red chase:
Lethal force is Authorised on all occupants of the vehicle.
Lethal force to disable the engine.
Clear the shoot the vehicle tires.
Authorizing pit/ram at speed under 100MPH
Do not risk innocent bystanders or other officers.
306 - State Of Emergency
State of Emergency (This level of threat is only allowed to be called after all of the command has discussed and agreed.)
Any suspect who is CONFIRMED to be armed, can be put down with lethal force.
Any vehicle attempting to get involved in 10-80s can be put down with lethal force.
Any non-compliant suspects, and or bystanders may be asked to leave once, and then put down with lethal force.
Any attempt from any outside party deemed a reasonable threat to officers, is subject to being terminated.
Any suspect brandishing a weapon, or attempting to pull and brandish a weapon, may be put down with lethal force.
307 - Gang/group threat level
Gang / Group threat level:
These threat levels are assigned as a reactionary status depending on violent/criminal output from recognized/identified groups of people.
Threat level 1- gangs/groups that have been labeled with the base threat level of green should expect an elevated response from officers and any backup that arrives.
Threat Level 2 - gangs/groups that have been labeled this threat level should expect a more “firm” response from officers and backup arriving, these gangs pose a minor threat to officers and should be treated with non-lethals OR non-lethal with lethal backup if the suspect is armed. Suspects can be detained and searched near crimes due to their previous hostility.
Threat Level 3 - Gangs/groups that have been labeled with the red threat level pose a major threat to officer safety and thus deem an appropriate response that will neutralize any deadly threat with lethal force. SWAT and all countermeasures must be deployed and any and all suspects seen that are at this threat level can be detained and taken to pd for interrogation and searching for previous crime scene evidence. ANY MEMBERS DURING A VIOLENT SCENE CAN BE SHOT IF ARMED.
Chapter 4 - Patrol Operations
When preparing to go on duty you must sign out the following equipment:
Rank held within the department.
Equipment permitted for use.
Los Santos City Police Department Command.
Anything listed below. (May carry your own semiautomatic pistol in place of your standard issue glock.)
Anything listed below.
Anything listed below.
Anything listed below.
Everything listed below.
Senior Officer(s)
Everything listed below.
2x level NIJ IV armour plates (you must wear two plates and have two in your backpack for a total of four, when you have used BOTH sets you may rearm at the armoury.)
Anything listed below
AR15/M870 in secure weapon storage in your vehicle upon certification, can be authorised for open carry by LSPD CPL+ (Never have loose ammo on person, it must all be loaded into mags and rearmed with a supervisor.)
Probationary officer(s)
1x G17 (Must be signed out with an FTO)
1x Nightstick (Required)
1x X26 Stungun (REQUIRED)
1x flashlight (Required)
1x Handcuffs (REQUIRED)
10x Empty evidence bag
5x Bandages 5x Gauze
5x First Aid Kit
When preparing to go on duty you must also make sure you are dawning the proper uniform, Officers must also not wear Vests or Gloves unless the situation requires. (Extra Protection from threats, or for use of searching respectively)
-ALL officers MUST HAVE A BODY CAMERA ON -Gloves should be OFF unless to, search a person(s) or anytime dealing with bodily fluids/injury (IE Blood)
-Subdivisions may have their own uniform policy if they so choose. Said uniforms must ONLY be worn while performing subdivision duties.
-Hats/Glasses/accessories can be worn if they do not represent any organisation besides LSPD. (Avoid gang colours, and no face coverings.)
The following codes are to be imported into your personal closets.
Rank held within the department :
Clothing: Male
Clothing: Female
Los Santos City Police Department Command
Same as below but black Shirt/Jacket
Same as below but black Shirt/Jacket
Senior officer
Solo Probationary officer
Probationary officer
You must then sign out an appropriate vehicle from the Los Santos City Police Department fleet.
Rank held within the department :
Vehicles permitted for use :
Los Santos City Police Department Command
Anything below this box, YOU DO NOT have the rights to undercover vehicles.
Anything below this box, YOU DO NOT have the rights to undercover vehicles.
Anything listed below.
Senior officer
Anything listed below.
Cruiser , Baller , Bison , Torrence , Landstalker
Solo Probationary officer
Probationary officer
Your vehicle should have the following equipment inside:
Basic First Aid Bag
Cervical Collar
Thermal Blanket
Breathalyser Kit
Drug Test Kits
Dustpan and Brush
Spike Strips
Police Barriers and Cones
The Shotgun/M4A1 is locked in place in the trunk of your vehicle, it is only to be drawn when there is imminent danger or a reasonable belief of a threat to life. Drawing a Shotgun/M4A1 is an escalation in use of force and should not be done for standard traffic stops.
The Los Santos City Police Department has a variety of different types of vehicles in its fleet. The purpose of this is to ensure that we always have an appropriate vehicle for any call that we may come across.
The types of vehicles the Los Santos City Police Department have invested in are among the following:
Some of the vehicles within the Los Santos City Police Department fleet have specialisations. These are, but are not limited to:
Maverick (Designation: Air-1)
H-60 Blackhawk (Designation: SWAT-1)
Coquette (H.E.A.T)
Dominator (H.E.A.T)
Vigero (H.E.A.T)
Off Road Capable Pursuit Motorcycle - MBU
Going on duty whilst not being fully trained with these vehicles, will result in immediate disciplinary action from the head of the subdivision and possible removal from the Los Santos City Police Department. No exceptions will be made.
401.5 Unmarked units
SWAT and SADB may use an unmarked police vehicle at all times if necessary. Refer to the Los Santos City Police Department Equipment Usage section of the Los Santos City Police Department database to see which unmarked vehicles are available to your rank. Be aware, unmarked vehicles can only be used by officers with the rank of Captain and above ONLY IF YOU HAVE A REAL REASON. Anyone found not to be following the guidance mentioned above may receive disciplinary action. The most common and practical uses would be for traffic enforcement, trailing suspicious vehicles, and surveilling to catch people who may be unaware they are being watched. Any ranked below captain must ask permission from the shift supervisor (highest ranking officer(s) on duty) before taking an unmarked unit from the motorpool.
The purpose of your two-way radio is to ensure communication is maintained and updated whilst on duty and in situations.
Radio traffic will be kept to a strict standard whilst in dispatch and any personal needs or conversations may take place on your personal cell phone, but must be kept to an absolute minimum. Whitelist city radio protocol will be enforced with the strictest scrutiny.
No Disconnecting from Freq. or Going 10-7 Whilst There are Active Situations - This is to ensure you are receiving and giving all information pertinent to those involved to create a situational command and awareness.
No Breakfast Chat - Conduct yourself appropriately within the dispatch frequency, situations can happen at any time and if you are talking about what you’ve eaten for breakfast or any other non-related communication, you may hinder your fellow officers and could possibly lead to their death or the death of a civilian.
Five C’s: Clarity, Consistency, Creativity, Content, and Connections - Be confident and clear with all of your radio transmissions, create a picture to all units responding so that they can picture exactly your location, the description of a vehicle, person, or place. Be short, clear and concise with all radio transmissions.
402.3 PANIC BUTTON (10-33)
The Los Santos City Police Department and EMS panic alarm must only be used in dire situations where you believe you are in critical danger. This button is located on your belt radio and must be pressed prior to putting your hands in the air. If your panic button is pressed, a noticeable audio tone will be emitted from it, that all units will hear, so ensure you use it wisely.
Radio Communication whilst on duty must be transmitted through in game VOIP. NEVER discord,
to do so may result in administrative disciplinary
No officer(s), no matter the situation should break character, reports of this will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Definitions related to this policy include:
Barricade situation - An incident shall be considered a barricaded subject when:
The suspect is believed to be armed; and
The suspect is believed to have been involved in a criminal act, or is a significant threat to the lives and safety of citizens and/or police; and
The suspect is in a position of advantage, affording cover and concealment, or is contained in an open area and the presence or approach of police officers would be unsafe; and
The suspect refuses to submit to custody.
Hostage situation - An incident shall be considered a hostage situation when any person is held by another against their will by force or threat of force, expressed or implied. In the case of hostage situations, the lives of the hostage(s) will be paramount, and the department will make every reasonable effort to ensure their safe release.
403.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Los Santos City Police Department to address hostage and barricade situations with regard for the preservation of life and balancing the risk of injury, while obtaining the safe release of hostages, apprehending offenders and securing available evidence.
Initial responding officers should try to establish and maintain lines of communication with a barricaded person or hostage-taker. officers should attempt to identify any additional subjects, inquire about victims and injuries, seek the release of hostages, gather intelligence, identify time-sensitive demands and obtain the suspect’s surrender.
First responding officers should promptly and carefully evaluate all available information to determine whether an incident involves, or may later develop into, a hostage situation.
The first responding officer(s) should immediately request a supervisor’s response as soon as it is determined that a hostage or barricade situation exists. officers shall continually evaluate the situation, including the level of risk to officers, to the persons involved and to bystanders, and the resources currently available.
The handling officer(s) should brief the arriving supervisor of the incident, including information about suspects and victims, the extent of any injuries, additional resources or equipment that may be needed, and current perimeters and evacuation areas.
Unless circumstances require otherwise, officers handling a barricade situation should attempt to avoid a forceful confrontation in favour of stabilising the incident by establishing and maintaining lines of communication while awaiting the arrival of specialised personnel and trained negotiators.
Officers presented with a hostage situation should attempt to avoid a forceful confrontation in favour of controlling the incident in anticipation of the arrival of specialised personnel and trained hostage negotiators. However, it is understood that hostage situations are dynamic and can require that officers react quickly to developing or changing threats.
The use of a law enforcement helicopter can be invaluable in certain situations. This policy specifies potential situations where the use of a helicopter may be requested and the responsibilities for making a request.
If a supervisor or officer(s) in charge of an incident determines that the use of a helicopter would be beneficial, a request to obtain helicopter assistance may be made.
Law enforcement helicopters may be requested under any of the following conditions:
When the helicopter is activated under existing mutual aid agreements.
Whenever the safety of law enforcement personnel is in jeopardy and the presence of the helicopters may reduce such hazards.
When the use of the helicopters will aid in the capture of a suspected fleeing felon whose continued freedom represents an ongoing threat to the community.
When a helicopter is needed to locate a person who has strayed or is lost and whose continued absence constitutes a serious health or safety hazard.
Vehicle pursuits.
While it is recognized that the availability of helicopter support will generally provide valuable assistance to ground personnel, the presence of a helicopter will rarely replace the need for officers on the ground.
405.1 POLICY
Whilst dealing with intense or emotionally sensitive incidents, onlookers, relatives and friends of those involved can get agitated, angry, upset and potentially aggressive. It is important that you manage the situation and handle it as best as you can.
There are multiple tactics that you can employ in an attempt to reduce the threat of the crowd and allow other officers on scene to continue working safely and effectively and without hindrance.
The following tactics are just some examples of how you can deal with a crowd:
Discussion -
Start talking with the people in the crowd, empathise with them, find out what they are angry about and start community relations.
Distraction -
Very similar to discussion but rather than talking about the incident you talk about something unrelated.
Deterrent -
This should only be carried out when the crowd is increasingly hostile and violence is on the brink of outbreak. This response will involve you drawing your ASP Baton, Taser or, in extreme circumstances and following use of force guidelines, your service sidearm or retrieving your shotgun or rifle from your patrol vehicle.
Use the Use of Force Guidelines and judge the crowd to decide on which level of response is appropriate.
406.1 POLICY
The Los Santos City Police Department will always address a robbery, be it a store, bank or otherwise, with consideration of those involved.
The majority of robberies that take place within San Andreas are committed by those who are desperate, struggling and not looking to cause genuine harm and distress to the general populace. You should always look to create clear and open conversation with those inside and attempt to gain all the following information whilst also attempting to create a relationship with the suspects:
The number of suspects, known weapons, and resources.
If the suspect is in control of hostages.
How they intend to leave.
What their motives are.
Continue to talk to the suspects, show empathy and care and maintain a calm and professional manner.
Policy 408
Vehicle Impound Guidelines
As a law enforcement official there may be occasions whereby a vehicle has been left unattended, abandoned or the owner has been arrested or deceased and the responsibility of it then becomes yours. To leave a vehicle unattended, particularly in a live roadway, would be irresponsible and dangerous, so we have a duty and responsibility to deal with that vehicle appropriately by impounding it to the offices impound. Depending on the circumstances of the vehicle there are different costs that should be applied to the vehicle, these are listed in the table below.
Offence Detail
Cost Applied
Illegally Parked
Abandoned Vehicle (In Roadway)
Misdemeanour or Traffic Offence
Felony Offence
High Felony Offence (*)
*High Felony: A High Felony is a crime against the City of Los Santos or the life of an individual, including, but not limited to: Terroristic Threats, Terrorism, RICO, Murder, or Attempted Murder.
The ownership of a vehicle is considered to be “confirmed” when the vehicle registration returns to either (1) the driver, or (2) an occupant of the vehicle who participated in the crimes underlying the impound.
Chapter 5 - Traffic Operations
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all traffic stops are performed lawfully and correctly.
Traffic Stop - A traffic stop, commonly called being pulled over, is a temporary detention of a driver of a vehicle by police to investigate a possible crime or minor violation of law.
When performing a traffic stop, an officer(s) should follow the following guidelines to ensure their safety throughout the stop.
Signal for the driver to pull over by going code 2 along with blipping the siren. If the vehicle fails to acknowledge, code 3 is authorised and you should use the bullhorn as necessary. If the driver has not pulled over within a reasonable time frame, signal over radio that you are in a 10-80, adding location, direction, speed of travel and description of vehicle and number of occupants.
If the vehicle has not stopped at a suitable location, order them to pull forward to a safer and more appropriate location.
When pulling behind the vehicle an officer(s) should angle their cruiser so that their front right headlight aligns with the back left tail light. This is to warn traffic coming up on the lane to pull into the next lane of traffic.
officers will then radio in that they are performing a 10-11, providing location, direction, description of vehicle, plate number, number of occupants and letting dispatch know that they are stepping out.
When an officer(s) steps out of his vehicle in a 10-11, they will step out, walk behind their cruiser and walk up to the passenger side door or given a reasonable amount of safe space between the officer(s) and traffic, the driver’s side window. This is to ensure that officers do not get caught in the ‘Kill Box’ which is defined as the space between the two vehicles.
officers should stand at an angle by the pillar of the door. This allows them to see the front seat while being able to maintain a visual on the back seat. This also makes it an awkward angle for the driver to shoot from the event they become a threat.
When an officer(s) approaches the vehicle, they should request that the driver roll down their window and introduce themselves stating their name, department, and the reason for the stop.
After a 10-11, an officer(s) should step back in, being mindful of the ‘Kill Box’, and radio through that they are now back in, 10-24 (Clear of last call) and back 10-8 (Available).
The seven-step process is the most professional and effective way to perform a 10-11 (Traffic Stop). The process is performed as follows:
Greeting and identification of the agency.
“Hey there, I’m/we’re officer(s) Smith with the Los Santos City Police Department. The reason I stopped you today is (step 2).”
Statement of violation committed.
“Unfortunately, you ran a red light back there at the intersection,”
Identification of driver and check of conditions of violations and vehicles.
“Can I get your licence and registration please,”
“If you just sit tight with the engine off for me and I’ll be right back,”
Head to the vehicle and check name of person, licences, any outstanding warrants and vehicle registration.
Statement of action to be taken.
“Okay Sir, everything is coming back okay so I’m going to give you a citation for running that red, alright? The ticket will be for $300. Let me just fill out this ticket book for you.
Take action.
Fill out the ticket.
Explain what the violator must do.
“Here you are, Sir, if you just sign at the bottom. The ticket will be paid automatically from your account within 3-5 working days. Your licence and registration documents are just on top of the ticket book there too,”
“You take care Sir and have a good day,”
This policy is to ensure that a felony stop is performed safely and professionally. This is to ensure officer(s) safety.
Felony Stop - When police stop a vehicle which they have strong reason to believe contains a driver or passenger suspected of having committed a serious crime, especially of a nature that would lead the police to believe the suspects may be armed (such as an armed robbery, assault with a weapon, or an outstanding felony warrant for the registered owner).
A felony stop will always be performed with two or more officers. They will NOT be performed by a single officer(s) at any time.
The first officer(s) will park as if performing a normal traffic stop. On arrival, other units should come to a stop behind the suspect vehicle and to the side of the first officer(s)’s vehicle, allowing enough space between the vehicles. officers should never pull in front of a suspect vehicle.
officers will perform a felony stop by following these points:
Ensuring you keep weapons drawn and pointed at the vehicle and suspects within the vehicle at all times.
Issue clear voice commands.
Bring the driver out of the vehicle first, getting them to walk backwards towards the sound of your voice, getting them on their knees with their hands up and then a secondary officer(s) going in for the cuffs.
This policy provides for the safe and appropriate response to emergency and non-emergency situations.
Emergency Calls - Calls which are critical and in-progress, where immediate police intervention is required to avert personal injury, or where prompt arrival is necessary to effect criminal apprehension.
Non-Emergency Calls - Calls for police service or reports of a crime where there is no immediate threat to the safety of persons or property.
Code-3 Response - Response to a call utilising both emergency lights and sirens in an authorised emergency vehicle.
502.2 POLICY
officers should not arrive on scene without backup when the call would initially require two (2) or more officers. officers may arrive on scene without backup when the call has been holding for a significant amount of time, it has been verified the suspect(s) have left the scene, and the officer(s) believes it would be safe to do so. Moreover, if the situation is so dynamic that loss of life is imminent, officers may proceed to the scene without waiting for additional officers.
Though arriving on scene without a backing officer(s) may be allowed under the circumstances listed above, officers are reminded the dynamics of any situation can rapidly change and responding to calls with a backup officer(s) under the circumstances listed above may still be prudent.
State law provides that officers are allowed to drive an authorised emergency vehicle Code-3 in response to an emergency call.
Responding with emergency lights and siren does not relieve the officer(s) operating an authorised emergency vehicle of the duty to act as a reasonably prudent emergency vehicle operator in similar circumstances. The use of any other warning equipment without emergency lights and siren does not provide any privilege under the law. officers shall exercise sound judgement and care with due regard for life and property when responding Code-3 to an emergency call.
officers should only respond to Code-3 when circumstances reasonably indicate an emergency response is required. officers responding Code-3 shall notify Dispatch of the Code-3 response. officers should also advise Dispatch of the location from which they are responding.
officers not authorised to respond Code-3, or when the emergency ceases to exist, shall observe all traffic laws and proceed without the use of emergency lights and siren. officers shall also stop their Code-3 response upon direction from a supervisor.
Upon being notified that a Code-3 response has been initiated, the Watch Commander or the field supervisor shall verify the following:
The proper response has been initiated.
No more than those units reasonably necessary under the circumstances are involved in the response.
Affected outside jurisdictions are being notified as practical.
The field supervisor shall monitor the response until it has been stabilised or terminated and assert control by directing units into or out of the response if necessary.
If, in the supervisor's judgement, the circumstances require additional units to be assigned a Code-3 response, the supervisor may do so. It is the supervisor's responsibility to terminate a Code-3 response that, in his/her judgement, is inappropriate due to the circumstances.
When making the decision to authorise a Code-3 response, the Watch Commander or the field supervisor should consider the following:
The type of call
The necessity of a timely response
Traffic and roadway conditions
The location of the responding units
Pedestrian presence in area
Officers responding to non-emergency calls should observe all traffic laws and proceed without the use of emergency lights and siren. In circumstances that warrant an expedited response, where an actual emergency is suspected but not yet conclusively confirmed, officers shall proceed with caution and use emergency lights and siren when/where applicable (such as when clearing an intersection). This type of response may also be applicable when an emergency response is warranted, but a tactical approach would be prudent; both for the officer(s)(s) or any potential victim(s).
The purpose of having a protocol is to ensure that every situation is handled in the safest and most efficient manner possible. Failure to follow this protocol will result in disciplinary action and possible removal from position pending criminal charges.
In the event of a pursuit the lead unit must focus on driving and transmitting radio traffic. Once a secondary unit catches up to the pursuit, radio transmission will be overtaken by them so that the lead unit may focus on keeping eyes on the suspect.
Tactical eligibility must always be approved by a supervisor or ranking officer(s) whilst on duty. These tactics are limited to the following to ensure safety for officers and the general public.
Spike Strips - Spike strips must be used on a moving vehicle that is Code Red. The vehicle’s speed and the nature of the road must be assessed in conjunction with the risk to the surrounding public before utilising this tactic due to the likelihood of popping the tires immediately. These pose a danger to vehicles and the occupants and must be instantly pulled off the road as to not hit the pursuing vehicles with them. Spike strips must be defined and announced in dispatch as to allow pursuing officers to back away to a safe distance.
PIT Manoeuver - The PIT manoeuvre is an option where a pursuing vehicle makes tactical contact with the rear quarter panel of a vehicle to make it spin uncontrollably and disable it.
Tactical Contact - Tactical contact should rarely be an option as it poses a high danger to suspects fleeing as well as the officer(s) pursuing. This can involve low-speed nudges to motorcycles to make suspects fall off of them, while not running them over, as well as to push a vehicle into disabling it or block a suspect from exiting by blocking the doors.
Tactical Box - The tactical box is an option where there are enough units in a slow-moving pursuit where the tires of the suspect’s car are either popped or the vehicle itself is slow in nature due to being partially disabled or lacking horsepower. Units form a box with one vehicle in front, two on the sides, and one in the rear to create an impassable barricade on all sides, vehicle in front then starts to slow keeping pace with all other vehicles to ensure the suspect’s car stops safely and contained.
Disengaging Pursuit - Disengaging the pursuit is always considered a viable option when the safety of the general public is in danger by officers or the suspect. Specialist units may be activated in this situation to re-engage pursuit should the suspect be cornered or stopped.
Discharge of Weapon on Vehicle - Must and only must be used when individuals pose a clear threat to the general public. Other methods must be used before this is ever authorised by a ranking officer(s).
To ensure the Los Santos City Police Department abides by all traffic laws they are sworn to uphold.
The Driving licence you obtain once becoming an officer(s) is dealt with and maintained within the database. Infractions will accumulate with unsafe and criminal driving. Once an officer(s) accumulates enough points, the licence is revoked, and a new one is issued. Once two licences have been revoked, it is an automatic dismissal of employment with the Los Santos City Police Department. Infractions may be lessened and or dismissed with an FTO appointed driving lesson and observation.
Chapter 6 - Personnel
The Los Santos City Police Department will endeavour to support personal development. Promotions will take place in accordance with State and Government Policy.
There are numerous factors that will be considered when the promotion date comes around. These factors are, but not limited to the following:
Time in grade
Willingness to help within the department
Personal Experience
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the reporting, investigation, and disposition of complaints regarding the conduct of members of this department. This policy does not apply to routine initial inquiries, coaching, instruction, or direction provided to members by their supervisor.
Complaint - Any allegation of misconduct or improper job performance against any Department member that, if true, would constitute a violation of any Department policy, City policy, federal law, state law, or local law.
Some complaints are initiated by citizens who are unfamiliar with the Los Santos City Police Department procedure, standards of conduct, and general police practice; or have misperceptions and/ or unrealistic expectations of police authority. As such, an inquiry about member conduct which, even if true, does not meet the definition of a complaint as listed above shall not be considered a complaint.
Category 1 (Serious) Allegations – A complaint requiring investigation by the Internal Affairs Unit. These may include, but are not limited to:
Improper exercise of police authority.
Misconduct pertaining to alcohol, drugs, and/or sex.
Harassment or threats.
Failure to take appropriate police action.
Inappropriate use of force.
Assault by an officer(s) or other department members.
Improper handling of evidence.
Unlawful or inappropriate search and/or seizure.
Unlawful or inappropriate arrest.
Civil rights violations.
Criminal conduct by an officer(s) or Department member.
Category 2 (Minor) Allegations – A complaint that may be investigated within the involved member’s division. Minor allegations may include, but are not limited to:
Personal contacts.
Excessive and Unprofessional Profanity.
Improper use of equipment.
Improper vehicle impound.
Police traffic or parking violations.
Facts or circumstances surrounding an incident may cause minor allegations to be investigated as serious allegations.
Initial Inquiry and Hearing – The initial inquiry is an essential step in the complaint process for determining the initial validity of the complaint and the proper assignment of the investigation. This includes gathering any information relevant to the complaint, conducting an interview with the complainant, preserving evidence, and locating and interviewing other officers or civilian witnesses who may have knowledge of the incident. An initial inquiry may also involve a formal interview with the subject member.
Formal Strike – Written documentation specifically identifying a policy violation or deficiency, and the expected corrective action of the Department member. Strikes are submitted to the Internal Affairs Unit and attached to the complaint file.
Specialist Unit Ineligibility – Either temporary or permanent blacklist from one or more specialist units.
Suspension Without Pay – A specified time period for which a Department member is suspended from work without receiving pay.
Demotion – Removing one or more positions of rank or advancement from a Department member.
Assignment to administrative leave - When a complaint of misconduct is of a serious nature or when circumstances dictate that it would impose an unreasonable risk to the department, the department member, other members, or the public, the Chief, government official or authorised designee may assign the accused member to administrative leave pending completion of the investigation or the filing of administrative charges.
Termination – Ending a department member’s status as an employee with the organisation.
In the event that an accused department member (or the representative of such a member) knowingly makes false representations regarding any internal investigation, and such false representations are communicated to any media source, the department may disclose sufficient information from the investigation to refute such false representations.
Internal Affairs files shall be maintained under the exclusive control of the Internal Affairs Unit in conjunction with the office of the Chief. Access to these files may only be approved by the Chief or the Internal Affairs Unit supervisor.
Chapter 7 - Warrants (Search and Seizure)
The Los Santos City Police Department will seek a search warrant whenever there is reasonable cause and/or reasonable suspicion to believe that evidence or contraband is located in a place where officers cannot search without the authority granted by a search warrant.
Definitions related to this policy include:
Reasonable Cause/Probable Cause - The reasonable cause required for the issuance of a search warrant is governed by the same rules which are applicable to arrests and searches with or without warrants as laid out in Chapter 3 herein.
Dwelling - The term “dwelling” includes every house, trailer, vessel, apartment, or other premises, any part of which has or may be usually occupied by a person lodging therein, up to and including any structure joined to and immediately connected with such house, trailer, or apartment.
The following are circumstances which, when present, would support the issuance of a search warrant:
When the property in question was stolen or embezzled
When the property or things were used as a means by which a felony was committed
When the property or things are in the possession of any person with the intent to use it as a means of committing a public offence, or in the possession of another to whom he or she may have delivered it for the purpose of concealing it or preventing it from being discovered
When the property or things to be seized consists of any item or constitutes any evidence which tends to show a felony has been committed or tends to show that a particular person has committed a felony offence.
The Los Santos City Police Department is authorised to limit and control access to dwellings or other buildings and areas whenever they have reasonable cause to believe the dwelling or area contains items of evidence and a search warrant is being immediately sought. The Los Santos City Police Department may limit and control access to the dwelling or other building for a period of up to three (3) hours.
The officer(s) intending to search will prepare an affidavit and search warrant (Form B) detailing the facts and circumstances that establish reasonable cause to conduct the search. The officer(s) will then seek approval from any Los Santos City Police Department Supervisor of the rank of sergeant or higher.
The Los Santos City Police Department Supervisor shall then, upon conference with the officer(s) and review of the form, shall either approve or disapprove of the warrant. The Los Santos City Police Department Supervisor shall then become the supervisor responsible for the investigation and file with the Los Santos Legal Department and/or the Los Santos Department of Justice an Application for Search Warrant, attaching the Form B as filled out by the officer(s), proceeding as follows:
The Supervisor shall email an electronic version of the Application for Search Warrant and Form B, including all supporting evidence/documents, to the Los Santos Legal Department. The email should contain a brief description of what is attached and the contact information for the Supervisor and the officer(s).
The Los Santos Legal Department shall receive the email and assign it to a legal representative for review. That legal representative may contact the Supervisor or officer(s) for further questions and to verify that all evidence was received.
If questions arise which impact probable cause/reasonable cause, the Supervisor and/or officer(s) should amend the Application for Search Warrant and submit a new request to the reviewing legal representative.
The reviewing legal representative shall then, if everything is in order:
Sign the warrant
Note the time and date on which the warrant was signed
Return a signed copy to the Supervisor
The Supervisor shall then upload and/or otherwise file the signed copy of the warrant, and forward a copy to the officer(s).
Where the Los Santos Legal Department and/or The Los Santos Department of Justice refuses to issue a search warrant, the Los Santos City Police Department Supervisor seeking the search warrant will determine what, if any, further evidence is needed and, when possible and practical, continue the investigation until such evidence is obtained. Once the additional evidence is obtained, the officer(s) seeking the warrant will re-contact the Los Santos Legal Department and/or The Los Santos Department of Justice.
A signed warrant shall be served as soon as practical, but no later than five (5) days from the date of issue by the Los Santos Legal Department. If the search must be delayed, the obtainment of the warrant should be postponed.
Any delay longer than five (5) days will require the reissuance of the warrant upon good cause being shown for the delay to the Los Santos Legal Department.
A member of the Los Santos City Police Department Command shall be present for the execution of all search warrants, unless such duty is otherwise delegated by a Command member to a Supervisor.
The officer(s) and Supervisor serving a search warrant will determine the following prior to the execution of the search warrant:
If the premises to be searched are the actual premises where it is believed the item or items to be seized are located.
If the premises to be searched are the premises listed on the warrant. If the premises listed are incorrectly identified the officer(s) or Supervisor shall take the steps necessary to correct this issue, up to and including seeking an amended warrant.
Whether the premises to be searched has dogs present which will interfere with the successful execution of a warrant. Such interference could include; (1) barking to alert the person on the premise of the officer(s)’s presence; (2) attacking officers should it appear the dog presents a serious threat to officer(s) safety taking into account the physical characteristics of the dog. Officers and Supervisors should develop and implement a reasonable plan using non-lethal means to immobilise or isolate the animal to prevent it from interfering with the execution of the warrant.
Whether the suspect or other inhabitants of the dwelling are present at the time at which the warrant may be served, and whether those individuals have a history of using or possessing firearms or have a criminal history including felony crimes of violence, assaultive behaviour towards police, or that he/she may force a confrontation with officers.
The officer(s) or Supervisor may consult with or request the assistance of SWAT pursuant to Policy 404 herein prior to serving or executing the search warrant if any or multiple of the below criteria are met:
The suspect has access to or has a history of using or possessing firearms.
Intelligence indicates that the suspect has a criminal history including felony crimes of violence, assaultive behaviour towards police, or that he/she may force a confrontation with officers.
The target location is fortified with metal security doors, gates, or by other means that may frustrate entry into the structure.
There are other aggravating factors present, such as surveillance cameras, lookouts, booby traps, vicious dogs, large/complex floor plans, or the possible presence of an illegal narcotics lab.
The case being investigated involves a felony crime of violence (i.e. homicide, armed robbery, felony assault) or a crime in which a firearm was used.
If none of the above circumstances are present, the warrant may be served without the assistance of SWAT. In the event that SWAT is implemented in the service or execution of the warrant, the most senior SWAT member shall take control of the service and execution of the warrant insofar as establishing a perimeter, breaching, and clearing the premises is concerned.
Entering premises to conduct a search and seizure pursuant to a warrant is accomplished in a manner which is legal, courteous, and the least destructive means possible. Where possible a suspect should be requested to unlock the premises prior to an entry device (angels for time being of 1.0) being used.
The officer(s) and Supervisor shall be responsible for establishing a perimeter and controlling access to the location as reasonably required and as laid out in 700.4.
Prior to entering a house or other dwelling, officers will comply with the following requirement unless an unannounced entry is justified:
Identify oneself as a police officer(s)
Explain the purpose of entry
Demand entry
Such announcement will be conducted in a manner which is reasonably audible to the person or persons within the dwelling as practicable.
officers will delay their entry for sixty (60) seconds following the required announcement unless one of the following circumstances is present:
Persons in the house to be entered refuse to allow an officer(s) to enter or otherwise indicate they will not allow entry.
There is substantial indication following the announcement that person(s) occupying the premises to be searched are wilfully delaying a response to the officers’ demands for entry and/or such persons are destroying, hiding, removing, or altering evidence.
The occupants admit the officer(s) to the premises.
An announcement is not required when the officer(s) is able to point to specific facts which exist at the time of entry which would lead a person of ordinary prudence to entertain a reasonable believe that an announcement of such officer(s)’s presence would cause one of the following incidents to occur:
The peril of the officer(s) would be increased.
The arrest would be frustrating.
Evidence would be destroyed or disposed of if the officer(s)'s presence were announced.
Any circumstances listed in 700.8 which would require the implementation of SWAT.
The officer(s) or Supervisor obtaining the search warrant will, as soon as possible, file an Inventory Report, including a signed copy of the warrant executed, a brief statement of the execution of the warrant, and an inventoried list of the items seized. A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the Los Santos Legal Department as soon as reasonably possible.
Chapter 8 - Off-Duty Conduct
Off-duty officers are expected to conduct themselves with the same degree of professionalism and high standards as on-duty so as to avoid placing the department into a potential state of disrepute. It is with that said the department has the scope and maintains the ability to oversee and discipline off-duty officers for unacceptable behaviour. It is expected that officers do not breach any laws outlined in the Los Santos City Police Department charge sheet. OFFICERS MAY NOT USE OR CARRY PD EQUIPMENT OFF DUTY (unless under specified supervised training)
In the event that breaches are made, the department holds the power to issue the following disciplinary action: Felony Offence: - Termination and submission to the federal government for further investigation.
- Assisting/aiding criminal activity will also lead to termination and submission to federal government investigation. Misdemeanour Offence: - 1 Strike on Employment Record
- 3 Day Suspension Exemptions:
An offence of any level that does not result in a custodial sentence shall not be considered for disciplinary action.
If you are witness to a crime being committed whilst Off-Duty then you should call 911 to notify on-duty officers and have them respond to the scene. Once officers have arrived and controlled the scene you may speak to one of the officers and give your statement of the events. This statement will be considered as being witnessed by a law enforcement officer(s). The best advice is to be a good witness. Any details of an incident that you observe may prove crucial.
If you encounter a situation whereby an individual is sentenced for offences and they hold a position at any of the following departments/organisations then it is expected that you report this to the respective organisations. Intentionally failing to report individuals to their department may result in disciplinary action. A report to a department should follow the following format:
officer(s) Name: (the name of the processing officer(s))
Offender: (the name of the offender being processed) Date & Time: (date of the offence, time of processing - can be rounded to nearest quarter hour)
Offences: (list in full the offences committed by the named individual)